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RayRay131414 :

Day just stared at everything. She was mentally confuse, so she slowly backed away into the shadows. "0-0"


"Day!" Unreal grinned, jumping up behind her and pulling her back out.

"Wow, it has been too long. You've missed so much! Well, unless you've been watching from afar or something." Unreal grinned, showing her now sharpened teeth.

Unreal sharpened her teeth, btw.


Peacegirl135 :

Chris raised his eyebrows and fiddled with the ring in his lip. "Quite the temper," He said.


Chem held Luna close, not minding the fact that they were pressed together so she could balance on his feet."I love you," He whispered, then he saw Robyn, Belle, and Chris, "How much do you get Robyn annoys Belle enough to get her a birthday slap?"


"A lot." Luna laughed.


"The bite's worse than a bark, trust me." Glitch laughed a bit.

"Really? I thought she was a tree; all bark." Robyn smirked.

Belle flashed Robyn a death glare. "Can I remind you Cynder isn't here to stop me from punching you in the tit?"

"Fair play, tree."

Belle rolled her eyes, and looked back to Chris. "Wow. They weren't lying, you are a vampire. Chris Robert Smith. Born on June 21st, and you're 22 years old."

She laughed a bit, "Single on Valentine's Day? That must be damaging to your ego; it's taller than you are."

"Did we mention she's a cyborg?" Glitch smiled.

Belle flicked her fringe aside, revealing the glowing yellow robotic eye.

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