"Sure," Lumi said, giving Shift a quick peck on the lips, "Unreal might have some." She then left to go back into the house, looking around for Unreal, finally finding her in the kitchen by the food. "Unreal, do you have some spare curtain? Shift, Robin, and Isaac need some."
Unreal raised an eyebrow. "Why does Robyn-"
Robin jumped in front of Lumi. "YO PREGGO DEMON LADY!" She beamed. Unreal sighed. "That Robin. Right."
Unreal went to her room, and came out with a bundle of curtains.
"Here ya go." She smiled.
Robin attempted to carry one, only to have it fall out of her hands. She groaned. "Being a ghost SUCKS!"
Day meowed again and walked over, jumping on the bed. She sat down, looking at the box. Day softy pawed the box, meowing again
"You really can't be normal for this?" Glitch raised an eyebrow, then sighed, "Alright then."
He opened the box, revealing a shiny (and expensive af) engagement ring.
"Cynder's giving it to Robyn tonight. And since he doesn't trust himself; he asked me to make sure everything he bought looks okay. Hence the outfits." Glitch explained, waving an arm in the direction of the 2 outfits to his side.
One of which was a short black dress - not extremely tight but also not puffy. The dress has silver sparkles embroidered into it, as well as a necklace to match.
Another was the top half of a suit, with black jeans.