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RayRay131414 :

Day jumps. "JESUS CHRIST KILL IT WITH FIRE" she screamed and punched him square in the nose, making Septic slam in the wall. Day shook her red fist. "Heh... Sorry.. Reflex" she chuckles nervously


Unreal leaned on the wall, laughing her ass off. Septic held his now broken nose, giving Day an 'Are you fucking kidding me' look.

"Well, it's not the first time I've heard it." He rolled his eyes, snapping his nose back into place.

He leaned on the wall as Unreal stood up straight, and glanced around.

"We're missing people." He commented.

"Yeah. Nobody's seen Dark or Cynder all day." Unreal blinked.#


"Shit. Dark and Cynder." She began to panic slightly.

"Ha! Somebody's totally dead." Septi snorted, he glanced at Day, "Those two hate each other. Cynder nearly fucking killed him when he thought Robyn was dead."


Peacegirl135 :

Chris stopped the door with his hand, "I thought you would be figured out by now I'm not easy to get rid of. You can't just tell me to leave."


Belle groaned. She opened the door.

"Don't break anything, don't try to open the wardrobe and I swear to god if you interrupt me while I'm fixing my eye - I'll break your neck. Oh, and there's a little initiation."

She turned to Chris and punched him in the face with her robotic hand. A black eye formed around one of his eyes.

She sat back at the desk and continued working on the device, letting Chris explore.

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