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Peacegirl135 :

"Not really," Chris said, "I've been alive long enough to know that Cupid day is overrated."


"And I've died before, what's your point here, momma's boy? Trying to hide that hit mark from the girl who rejected your dick?" Belle raised an eyebrow.

Glitch made a sizzling sound.

"The sass wars continue, Belle is creeping up the leaderboard with that burn." Robyn said in a spectator voice.

"ROBYN I SWEAR TO GOD." Belle yelled.

"Sorry, sorry," Robyn laughed, backing up, "I'll go find Wizard Boy or something."

"'Wizard Boy' is her boyfriend, to clarify." Glitch laughed as Robyn left the room. Once she was gone, he quietly added, "And soon to be her fiance."

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