333 (half of Satan)

18 1 2

Peacegirl135 :

"Her calibrations are sensitive apparently," Chris shrugged.


"What'd he do, Glitch?" Robyn chuckled.

"Sassed her until she got upset? I think she might have short-circuited in anger-sadness." Glitch shrugged.

"Ughhh," Robyn groaned, falling back onto the couch, "Chris, you got 2 options. Apologise to Belle or find Cynder; 'cause I've lost him."


RayRay131414 :

Day blinked before smiling again. "Remind me to slap and punch Stache next time I see him" She then gently brings her into a soft hug. "And congrats on being a mom!!"


"Huh? What did 'Stache do? I'd slap Virus out of all of 'em. Virus is the one flirting with Glitch, by the way. But why punch 'Stache?" Unreal asked curiously.

She blushed at Day's second comment. "H-heh, thanks. Dark's been worrying his ass off about it; but I'm pretty confident."

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