Chapter 5

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Lulu scrambled out of her seat. She desperately needed to get away from her own stupidity and the only proper way to do so was to get absolutely trashed. At the bar, she grabbed a cup half full of brown liquor, its strong smell stinging her nose when she put it up to her mouth. Pushing back her disgust, she threw the drink down and reached for another and chased that with yet another drink. She looked for Matty in the crowd, but her head was already spinning and the faces in the crowd were beginning to blur.

She left the basement, tripping on the steps in her hurry to get out. Finally in the living room, she dodged a couple tearing at each other's clothes as she fought her way through the sea of dancers. The music was pounding in her head and she was losing all sense as bodies crowded around her, pushing into her and making her sway in a wave motion. Her muddled mind had no idea what was going on around her, all the colors had bled into each other and the lights had dimmed significantly. She was walking blind, without direction.

Carried unconsciously by her own clumsy feet, she was suddenly at the landing of the large staircase that led to the second floor of the house. Without a thought, she began to climb them, wondering if Matty would be upstairs. People crowded the steps but none of them seemed bothered by her as she shoved past them. She was convinced that whatever she was looking for was up there and began looking through door after door in search of it. The house was so large, there were at least five bedrooms on the second floor and most of them were occupied by a plethora of her classmates.

Familiar faces smiled at her as she opened each door, some even speaking to her, but she could never make out what they were saying.

When she found the bathroom, she took two steps in before a booming voice screamed at her to get out. Mike Evans, captain of the school's baseball team was standing to her right, trying to hide someone behind the shower curtain.

"Get the hell out of here!" he screamed furiously and she practically jumped out of her skin. Before she left, she turned back to the shower and noticed a pair of beat up sneakers peaking under the curtain, too big to be any of the cheerleader's shoes.

"Oh," she gasped. Matty would go wild when he found out. She left the bathroom in a fit of giggles, tripping over her own feet and slamming into the door directly across from the bathroom. When she hit it, it swung open revealing a large empty room.

Latching herself to the wall to keep from falling, she looked around and noticed it was completely devoid of any decoration and the walls were a dull light blue, matching the duvet on the bed.

A door at the far end of the room stood slightly ajar and with clouded judgment, Lulu walked clumsily towards it. She pushed the door open and was relieved to see an empty bathroom. She walked over to the sink and opened the faucet to splash some cool water on her face. The mirror above the sink reflected her tear stained face and bloodshot eyes. She looked a mess and quickly tried wiping away the trail of black mascara tears from her cheeks.

The liquor had flooded her veins, turning her blood into alcohol and dulling her senses. She relished the numbness that had washed over her but in the back of her mind, her nagging conscious kept trying to pull her back into sobriety.

She had done something incredibly stupid and she was fighting the regret that threatened to resurface.

I need another drink, she thought and as she turned to leave, she gasped when she saw Zachary was standing in the doorway, without his sunglasses.

"Who's there?" he said in a strong voice.

In her intoxication, she thought it a good idea to just stand there and stay quiet. He wasn't fooled and once again spoke up.

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