Chapter 37.2

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Lulu let out a soft gasp and Zac turned around at the sound. She recovered quickly and in a timid voice said, "Zac, it's Lulu."

"Lulu," he gulped "I...I don't know how much you heard but—"

"Selene is angry. At me," she said.

He shook his head, but said, "Yeah. She doesn't handle losing very well." He ran his hand through his long hair, which Lulu noticed was splattered with green and blue paint.

Lulu could see the painting better now she'd moved closer to it, and closer to Zac. It was a young girl, who looked eerily like her, but not like her at all at the same time. This girl looked defiant with sharp eyes, and a strong chin Lulu didn't have. Her long hair was made of fluid water and if Lulu closed her eyes, she could hear the waves crashing around her, smell the brine of the sea. Her eyes flashed to Zac and she swallowed hard.

"I heard her say you made a painting." Her hand lifted absently as if to touch it, touch the face in this warped mirror.

"I did," he said cautiously. "I don't know what she sees, but I promise I'm not a creep. She said it's you but I started this when I was thirteen or fourteen before I met you. Shortly after..." he pointed to his face.

The accident. The accident she caused. Dread gripped her chest and her vision began to cloud. If she stayed there any longer she was afraid she'd pass out, or worse, confess everything.

"She was there, that night." His voice hollow as he remembered.

"Who is it?" She hoped her shaky words didn't betray the terror she felt.

"A girl from a memory."

"You've never told me what happened the night you...or how you..."

His face turned stony and he turned away, walking towards his bed. "She was in trouble and I tried to help." He took a steadying breath. "That night we snuck into a museum my grandpa used to work at and the ceiling caved in so I shoved her out of the way and everything fell on me. Uh, the debris scratched my corneas and left me looking like this," he gave a dry laugh. "And I never heard from her again. She never even visited me in the hospital."

But I looked for you! I went back! she wanted to scream as she fought to hold in her tears but it was useless. "I'm so sorry," she whispered. It was all she could say, so she put as much force into the words as she could as if it would exempt her from saying more. As if it made up for his loss of sight, and vindicate what she'd done to him.

Zac's face softened but his tone didn't change. "Is there anything you needed?"

"I wanted to talk to you, but if you're busy, I'll leave." She was a coward; there was no way she could face him now. Not after the pain she'd read on his face and the way he'd talked about her, the hatred clear in every syllable.

And then he was crying.

"Zac!" Her shock was so intense she didn't know what to do with herself. Her own tears dried up and she stood there stock still as he shook with silent sobs, a hand over his mouth.

"The transplant didn't work," he said through the tears. "I'm always going to be like this. Useless."

"You aren't useless." She sat on the bed next to him, giving him space but desperately wanting to reach out to him.

"Please, Lulu just leave I need to be alone."

She shook her head vehemently. "No."

"Go!" he growled, getting up from his bed. He walked towards his easel and pushed it in an angry fit. He took his equipment and threw it across the room, staining the walls in a rainbow of paint. Selfishly, she was afraid he'd ruined the painting. He huffed and stopped, shaking a little in his rage, but she wouldn't give in.

"No! I'm not leaving you, Zac. You aren't useless. You're..." What could she say to make him get it? "You once said to me you didn't know how it was possible for Matty not to see what you didn't need eyes to see. Well, I don't know how you don't realize how ridiculously amazing you are." She walked to him and gently took his face between her hands. His cheeks were wet and hot and it shattered her heart, but he didn't push her away. This pain he felt, this betrayal, this condemnation, it was all her fault. Something moved her then. Whether it was guilt, or something much stronger, she didn't know, but his tears had stemmed and her body moved of its own volition until she was kissing him in the middle of the mess. 

This is such a baby chapter, I decided to make it part of the previous one

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This is such a baby chapter, I decided to make it part of the previous one. I'm sorry it's such a small update, but I promise I'll update this book before any other book, and soon! Love you all!!

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