Chapter 36

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The lights were blinding. A rainbow of neon beneath a cloudy sky. The sea was surprisingly calm for such a cold night, but Lulu felt flush with excitement as they walked through the crowds of people. It was loud and festive and she wasn't sure where to look. There were carnival rides, carnies selling tickets to rigged games, and so much food. It all smelled delicious and her mouth watered as she saw a little girl eating from a bag of cotton candy, her face pink and sticky with the spun sugar. It was surreal. A different world. This beach held so many memories, but today it was transformed and foreign. Alive with people she had never seen before and people she was only just getting to know.

A vivacious band on a large stage were singing and dancing to some unintelligible rock song, but Lulu felt the beat pulsing inside her. There were huge signs bordered with small, flashing lightbulbs that read "TICKETS! TICKETS! TICKETS!" in bright red letters and that's where they walked to now. Liam bought Gemma and himself bracelets to ride everything and Zac didn't hesitate to do the same for her, despite her, albeit weak, protests. The truth was, she was excited to be here with him.

"Let's get on that roller coaster!" Gemma said laughingly as she tugged on Liam's jacket.

"In a minute. I'm starving," he smiled at her. "Come on guys. Let's go find a turkey leg or two." He rubbed his hands together.

As they stepped forward, Lulu's hand knocked into Zac's, and almost instinctively, they interlocked. They walked comfortably together, as if they'd done this before and always, Zac letting her steer. It felt natural, safe, and it frightened her a little. She wasn't used to safe.

Over by the food vendors, Lulu was surprised to see Ava in her uniform, handing out ice cream cones. Despite the cold, there was a long line of parents with their little ones, waiting to get their cones. Ava smiled when she saw the group and snuck away to say hi.

"I thought you were coming with Michael, not working the show," Lulu said.

"I know," Ava pouted. "But I get off in like half an hour, so wait for me before you get on the good rides! Michael should be meeting me then." Her eyes trailed to Zac's hand in Lulu's and smiled wider, but just as quickly, her smile slipped of her face. Her eyes moved from Lulu's to something behind her and widened.

"What is it?" Lulu turned back to see Matty with a girl she'd seen around school. He was walking their way, head ducked, clearly unaware they were standing almost in front of him. When he looked up and saw them, he stopped dead, and even under the neon lights, Lulu could tell he was blushing.

"Oh, no," Ava whispered. "Michael said he was going to invite him, but I didn't know he would bring a..." she trailed off. She didn't need to say what Lulu was thinking.

Matty looked at both Lulu and Gemma embarrassedly.

"Oh, he's not... He is!" Ava took a step back as Matty awkwardly closed the space between them taking the last few steps in their direction. The girl at his side was still chatting away animatedly, unaware of the tension.

"Hey, Lulu. Guys," Matty said.

"Hey, Mathew." She saw him wince a little at the use of his full name.

"Umm, this is Soni. A, uh, friend from school. Soni, this is my best...uh," he swallowed hard. "My friends Ava and Lulu." He was tripping over words, what once came so naturally to him.

Lulu's heart tightened a little. He wasn't meeting their eyes, still looking away from everyone.

"Hi guys! It's so nice to meet you. I'm Soni! Oh, you know that already!" Giggle.

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