Chapter 34

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"Excuse me?" Lulu demanded. Matty stood three feet away from her, looking like someone had just stuck the sharpest of knives into his back. There was hurt, betrayal, and rage etched across his features.

"What are you doing with Zac? Are you guys, like, together?" His disbelief was palpable as if it offended him personally. Lulu wasn't sure if she was relieved he was talking to her again, or upset at the way he was attacking her.

"I don't know." She shook her head. It was true. This was all so new and different. And terribly complicated. Deep down in her broken heart, a tiny spark of electricity flickered through her chest, and something terrible, like hope, began to stir. Could it be that Matty was jealous?

"It's..." she trailed off shrugging.

"Complicated?" He bit his lip and scoffed. "Just a few days ago you were telling me you were in love with me and today you're holding hands with this creep?"

"Don't you dare, Matthew!" She hissed at him, walking closer to make sure no one heard them. Thankfully everyone was in their class already, and most of the doors were closed around them. "You don't get to be jealous! Zac has been nothing but kind to me, and I won't let you say a word against him."

"I'm only looking out for you!"

"You lost that right when you broke off our friendship."

"Lulu, you need to get inside before I count you absent," her photography teacher, Mr. Bruce, poked his head out looking a little put out.

Lulu's heart was beating dangerously fast and her arms felt numb. She threw Matty a final glare before turning around and stalking into her class.

"You. Get to class, now." Mr. Bruce said to Matty before following her inside.

As she walked to her desk, she was sure she could hear the distinct sound of a boys' tennis shoe hitting the metal of the lockers that lined the hallway, just outside her classroom, before Matty's footsteps faded away.

As she walked to her desk, she was sure she could hear the distinct sound of a boys' tennis shoe hitting the metal of the lockers that lined the hallway, just outside her classroom, before Matty's footsteps faded away

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Zac could tell something was wrong; she was sure of it by the way he gave her space after receiving a rather cold greeting. Lulu felt awful, but her head was still replaying the very brief, very intense conversation with Matty in the art hall. They walked together through the crowded halls, not saying anything. Lulu almost didn't notice the way people gave them a wide berth, making way for Zac to walk comfortably. 

In Spanish, the class she shared with Ava and Zac, they had an exam which, thankfully, took up most of the hour so she didn't have to pretend that nothing was wrong in front of Ava.

She was dreading going into her final class. This was Zac's first day back since his fight with Matty and she was terrified of what could happen. Matty already hated Zac for some reason, even before he found out that it was his fault Gemma left him for Liam, and now he had all the more reason to. So when Lulu walked into Miss Denisov's class, it didn't surprise her to see Matty sitting as far away from Zac as he possibly could on the small double-desk, his head burrowed into a book. Zac was sitting there with his headphones in, seemingly oblivious to the animosity radiating from the boy next to him.

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