Chapter 11

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That night, while she slept in Ava's cluttered room, Lulu's dreams were dark. Nothing stirred within the void except for words that kept coming back to her, repeating what they'd spoken to her that day, but distorted and unintelligible in slumber. Voices sang and screamed: Matty's, Ava's, Selene's and Zac's.

Ava's voice told her she was sorry she had been so busy and Matty's told her to eat her heart out. Selene's voice scoffed disdainfully and Zac's told her she was beautiful.

When she awoke, Ava could tell something was wrong but never mentioned anything.

When Selene had gone back inside, Lulu had found Ava. After they spoke outside and Lulu cried on her shoulder, they had left the party, shoes in hand.

Lulu sent her father a text telling him where she would be but he had never answered. The girls stayed up talking a bit more and Lulu had resigned herself to loving Matty in secret, something Ava was vehemently opposed to.

That was a quality Lulu loved and envied about her new friend. Ava was so kind but when it came down to it, her head would get hot and her passion irradiated from her pores. She felt fiercely and cried out at every injustice. And to her, Matty's indifference was a huge offense.

They drove down to the beach together after a quick breakfast of sugarless cereal.

"My father insists we eat healthier," Ava said apologetically. "He thinks it'll 'save us from a fate like Mom's,'" she rolled her eyes.

At the beach, the girls walked down the boardwalk arm in arm, fighting the bitter chill. The days had begun to grow cold and they were bundled in large sweaters courtesy of Ava's closet. Reaching the ice cream shop, Lulu made to turn into the alley to retrieve her bike but Ava put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"Let's grab a cone!"

"It's freezing outside!" Lulu said, appalled.

"Oh, c'mon! Please?" Ava begged, jumping up and down like a little girl.

Lulu's heart warmed at the sight and immediately gave in, grabbing hold of Ava's arm once more and directing them to the ice cream shop. Ava gave a little victory cheer and pumped her hand in the air as they made their way into the surprisingly warm parlor.

They ordered, and cones in hand, walked towards one of the booths near the entrance. Only when they were both seated did Lulu realize where she was. They had sat in the very same booth she and the boy had, the night of the accident.

While Ava happily ate her ice cream and talked about a hundred different things, Lulu's cone was becoming colder and colder in her hand. The night replayed in her memory, and she could almost see his face. Could almost hear his laugh ringing true through the empty shop.

"He's back," Ava's voice pulled her out of her reverie. She was looking towards the shop door, where two tall figures, clad in black, stood.

Zac and Selene were laughing as they walked towards the counter, Selene still in last night's dress. In Zac's hand was a white folding stick she had never seen him use before. Selene, tall and beautiful, hung onto his other arm while they ordered. Cherry lips whispered into Zac's ear, making him laugh and Lulu realized she had never seen him look so happy.

Lulu turned away, a strange flutter in her stomach. Ava was slightly slack-jawed and her wide eyes were staring just above Lulu's head. When her eyebrows shot up, Lulu quickly turned back and saw Zac leading Selene right to their booth.

"Oh, it's taken, babe," Lulu heard Selene's sharp voice whisper.

"I'm sorry," he muttered and his lingering smile faded completely and he was back to the moody faced boy Lulu was accustomed to.

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