Chapter 35

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Lulu looked back to where Matty sat. He wasn't looking at the television, like the rest of the class was, engrossed by the fabulous Gatsby. He was looking at her. And then he wasn't. And that was all she needed to convince herself it wasn't true. Whatever Gemma thought, it couldn't be the truth. Matty wasn't in love with her. He'd made that too clear, and the wounds were only too fresh to prove it. But her eyes shifted to Zac and she saw the way he pushed his hair out of his face with his soft hands and she remembered the way they'd felt on her skin. Remembered the way her heart fluttered when he'd kissed her and suddenly she needed air. She got up, scraping the chair across the floor, making nearly everyone in the room jump in surprise. The moment passed and their eyes flicked back to the film as Lulu went up to her teacher and asked if she could go to the restroom.

Once there, she wet a paper towel and patted her face, hoping it would calm her, but her mind was still tangled with Gemma's revelation, Matty's look of betrayal, and Zac's soft kiss. What the hell was Gemma thinking, telling her all this? Did she think Lulu's heart was so volatile that it could be so easily swayed by a lie? Was she trying to confuse her feelings, or was she being sincere when she said that everyone deserved to know who loved them?

"He doesn't love me," Lulu spoke into the mirror before her. He'd said as much that day in the hallway. But what if he did? If Gemma was right, and Matty really did feel like that for her, would she so easily discard Zac? No. Her feelings for Zac were too strong. Or was it simply gratitude, what she felt for him, for taking her in?

So many questions raged within her and she felt the stitches to her haphazardly sewn together life slowly come undone. She needed to get out. Needed fresh air. When Lulu turned to leave, she noticed a sign taped onto the front of all the restroom stall doors. They were flyers announcing the annual beach Fall Festival. She ripped one of the flyers off the door of the closest stall and took it with her as she exited the restrooms. The final bell would be ringing any minute, and Lulu didn't bother going back into class until she was sure everyone, including Matty, had left the room. When she saw him walking towards the lobby, she noticed he kept turning back, as if looking for someone. If he was looking for her, she didn't want him to see her. Not in the state she was in. So she quickly ducked behind a large cutout of a senior girl in a pretty dress, who was apparently lobbying for Class President. It hid Lulu perfectly until she saw Matty disappear around the corner.

Inside, Zac and Gemma were still standing by her desk, waiting for her.

"Lulu!" Gemma smiled. When Lulu reached the desk to gather her things, Gemma got closer and whispered in her ear. "Are you okay?" There was a genuine look of concern on her face, but Lulu's paranoia got the better of her and she only nodded curtly, and turned to Zac.


"Sure," he smiled effortlessly, and reached his hand out for her to take it. Lulu hesitated for a fraction of a second, before taking it. Once again she marveled at how easily it was to fall back in synch with Zac, and she leaned a little into him as they walked back to her locker. Gemma trailed them and together they walked through the halls until she reached the senior lockers. Someone was leaning casually on hers, his back turned to her, but she'd recognize him anywhere. She stopped just short of where Matty stood and let out a short, frustrated sigh. He'd never made her feel as utterly annoyed as he'd done this whole day. It was confusing and sad and she hated him a little for it.

"What's wrong, Lulu?" Zac asked.

"Uh...could you guys just...give me a minute?" She turned to Gemma who was looking, wide eyed, from Matty to Lulu.

He must have heard her, because he straightened up and turned around to face them. His expression grew dark when he noticed Zac standing with Gemma behind her and he crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for Lulu to approach him.

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