Fuck guys

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Im so sorry. Honestly i should die. I cant keep updates and apparently my bf doesn't love me anymore and wont say it to my face. I went to his practice tonight to give him a valentines gift and as soon as he saw me he ran into the boys locker room so I couldnt go in. I got him a blues hat and an anteic blues mug and he apparently took the hat and gave the mug to his friend noah. His friend noah came out and said "he doesnt want the mug bc he threw it so can I have it?" I was like idc and then he told me " i wasnt supposed to to tell you this and Cian said he would kill me if did but he said hes got another girlfriend." I told his friend kayley to give him this

But he should have just told his sister to tell me not to go

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But he should have just told his sister to tell me not to go. Ive been told other things by his friend but she also refuses to tell me stuff. I dont know what I did wrong. Ill try to update while i can but so much shits going on and I almost cut to deep. Keep the ones you love close for me ok. Bye

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