This is our time

474 22 17

Onodera's P.O.V

He was standing right there, yet he didn't see me. Only a quick glance and back to his battle, with my mother. He took no mercy with every sling, every slash to her sword, aiming for the head. Though she is my mother, how can I just stop and do nothing? Its not ok, even though she treated me like absolute trash everytime she visited me, she's still my mother, and Ill do anything to help her.

I begun running towards her, but get pulled back by another entity, a person, my father.

He screamed a battle cry for his troops to retreat, which in a flash they all raced to the beginning of the battle line.

My mother made a break for it, but Takano-san grabbed her by the arm and yanked her so she was in a head lock, putting a sword to her throat.

Father grabbed me and shoved me on the ground, but I made sure to protect my belly, cause I cant lose the two precious babies in my belly.

Father rips my helmet off and points a sword at my head, right infront of Takano-san.

He stares at me for a second then realizes who I am.


I smile weakly at his reply to seeing me. And a small tear drop makes its way down my cheek, for I know he will give up everything for me, and jeprodize everyone elses lives just for me.

Father holds the sword to my neck, leaving me helpless to death at my doorstep. I see the panic in Takano-sans eyes as a tiny bit of blood is drawn from it.

"I believe you know what I want," my father starts,"give up you sin, and you can have my worthless son."

Takano-san goes to open his mouth but instead its my turn to talk.


Everyone stood in shock at my out break, even me, which I showed by crying. My father was the one who was more shocked, which basically showed that I refused to be his barging chip.

"Fine then, he made the choice for you." My father sneers with an evil grin.

I feel the sword slash my throat, and I fall into darkness.

Takanos P.O.V

I stood infront of the grave. Wind blowing through my hair, as tears dripped down my face. It had been 4 months since that horrid war ended, since he had been gone.

"You know everything could have worked out great for us, if you had just given him to me."

I turned around to see none other than a faded image of leon there. The bastard who revived my ritsu, only to strike him down again. The pain he caused me for 3 months, was something I would never forgive him for.

"If you had just given him to me, and if he hadn't changed into that beautiful form of his, none of this would be a problem." He sneered at me.

I smirked.

"The problem with that though," I started," I never agreed to be with you, and with your plans anyway. Though none of that matters anymore now, hes mine, always has been, but now thanks to you, always will be."

I turned around and kicked the grave stone, and the bastard Leon faded away into nothing.

I walked back to my castle, currently being redone by a couple fornens. Ritsu's cousins had insisted that I let the redecorate, so why not. As I entered the castle, I was greeted by one of my maids, the one taking care of Juniper and Levin.

"The master would like you to come to his room asap master Masamune." She said staring me straight into the eyes.

I nodded and walked off towards his room. When I walked in I was greeted by an eerie silence and an empty, un maid bed. Closing the door I slowly walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge when I got there. Within a flash a pair of lips were on my neck, biting softly in an ache for blood. I rested my hand on my poor little ones head. And only said one word.


                Takano X Onodera story end


Ok whats up im not supposed to be writing rn bc I have a concussion, but ok here we go. I had a sprained wrist, and so far a two week concussion, and the story deleted again. Lol and I broke up with my bf, tired of him treating me like trash😜. Oh and I might be illustrating the cover of an actual book😆😆😆😆. If this book gets 20k reads, Ill possibly write a little sexy time side stories with the couples😏. Byeeeeeee

nekos and vampires 2 ( junjou romantica and sekai ichi hatsukoi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant