5: Meeting 4/5

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Warning: this is going to be a long chapter, BUT One Direction finally comes into this chapter. I hope you like it.

It was 10 minutes til 8 and I was nearly dying to go to the concert. I knew I had to tone it down before River got here. I could absolutely not let him find out. I know he would still like me if he found out, but it was still early in our relationship. He didn't need to know yet. I was just starting to fit and I was not ready to ruin it.

I wore really tight, gray skinny jeans and my Legend of Zelda Triforce shirt. I felt really cool..haha not, but I wanted to dress casual so that River wouldn't suspect anything. Although I did curl my hair and wear some subtle make-up. Just in case the boys wanted to fall in love me..haha no I'm kidding. I've got River. I love River, but still...the least I could is give the boys some eye candy. They're probably sick of seeing fat, sweaty 12 year old girls that scream in front of their face. Man it must really suck to be them.

I giggled and walked to see if my sister was ready.

"Veah, y'all ready? Riv, is gon be here in 5" I told her

She walked out of the room in her carrot shirt. HA. I'm sure Louis would absolutely love that...NOT. C'mon people, grow up...he's probably driven absolutely crazy with all of this stupid carrot business.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Nice shirt" I laughed

"What? Louis will love this...DOES IT MAKE ME LOOK FAT?" she asked, looking at herself in the mirror self consciously.

"Haha no sister you're still extremely skinny" I smiled, looking at her stick figure body.

Although she really didn't have much of a figure yet she was still beautiful. She was like a younger version of me. Except her eyes are much darker and her hair is much lighter. Which I really don't know how that happened so don't ask me.

She giggled and gave me the 'oh whatever look'

She made me take my curling wand and curl her hair. Which I kind of regret, because now we look extremely alike..like almost twin like. Even though she was a little shorter and smaller than me. She wasn't that different in size from me.

Right when I finished the last curl the doorbell rang.

"Ah I guess River's here" I stated

"Okay" She said, skipping to answer the door.

"Remember..Not.A.Word" I warned

"I know I know" She said opening the door.

"Hey Cacia" He greeted, leaning in to give my sister a hug.

HA! I was right people are definitely going to think we're twins. Even my date made the mistake of doing that.

"Eeeww stop" Veah complained, while backing away from him "I'm not Acacia, I'm her sister Veah....."

He awkwardly stepped back.

"Gee, you two sure do look alike" he stated, looking at the two of us.

"I'm way hotter though, right?" I asked, doing a not so sexy pose.

"Ummm...Not when you do that" he teased

Veah and I both broke into a laugh. After about 10 seconds we were able to stop laughing.

"Gee, thanks" I teased

He didn't compliment me and I knew why. I told him that our relationship had to remain secret. Even though I'm pretty sure Veah is catching on or maybe not..She is quite stupid sometimes. But still if my mother found out, she'd be pissed. She hates River, in fact I didn't even tell her that River is taking us. I didn't even tell Veah and tell my mom left for work that he was coming. That's how much I didn't want her to find out.

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