8: Hospital

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I sat in my bad the hospital, waiting for the doctor to come back with my diagnoses. It seemed to be taking for ever, even though it's only been about 10 minutes.

Finally, the doctor came into the room with a smile.

"Hey there! Acacia Lawrence? I'm Doctor Butler" He asked, looked down, double checking his paper work.

"That'd be me" I smiled, looking at him.

He walked over to me and sat down in the rolley chair.

"So good news, you're going to be alright." He smiled.

"Yes! Does that mean I can leave today?" I asked him, sitting up kind of quickly. Which caused my head to start spinning a little bit.

He stood up and rested me back onto the bad.

"I'm afraid not, I think it'd be best to give you some antibiotics before you leave so nothing happens to your lungs." he told me.

"And how long is that going to take?" I asked

"Well depending on how things look it could be anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks." He answered.

I sighed, resting my head into my pillow. This is very irritating.

"What about my mom?" I asked, I hadn't heard from her since this morning. Why wasn't she here visiting me? Oh wait, I forgot I'm not her favorite she's probably with Veah making sure she's treated like a princess. Just thinking of that put a lot of emotions in me. Sadness and anger seemed to be the most apparent to me.

I looked up at the doctor who still hasn't answered my question. He looked like he was debating with himself. Like there was something he was hiding from me. Had my mom got seriously hurt from the fire? Did she leave, because she didn't want to deal with us anymore? Did she go missing? I could sense the worry from the doctor. He definitely knows something, but what could it be? I looked up at him hopeful that he'd answer my question.

He looked back at me with surprise.

"Your mother, well she's doing alright." he explained, "in fact she is in no pain whatsoever. She's doing as well as she could possibly be. She's up with god"

I ran his words through my head a few times. She's with god. Oh my god, is he saying what I think he's saying? Yes he is, unless I heard him wrong. My eyes started to get watery and I pulled the blanket up to underneath my eyes.

I could tell the doctor was sorry.

"Acacia, I'm so so so sorry for your loss" he frowned, rubbing my shoulder. He tried his best to comfort me.

"But how?" I cried, "she wasn't even home"

"She heard the sirens and got worried immediately. She went home to try and save you and your sister. And she did, but somehow the back door got closed on her and she was taken by the flames." he explained, with a bit of sorrow in his voice.

It kind of made me happy to hear that. My mom died a hero. Although I wasn't never really fond of her, in the end she earned my respect.

I let out some more tears, the doctor then joined and started to cry with me. You could tell he really understood what I was going through. I wonder if he had someone in his family die before, well he probably did. Most people do.

"Dr. Butler" I cried, looking up at him.

"Yes? Acacia?" He replied, calming down a bit. You could tell this guy definitely knew how to balance professional and personal boundaries.

"Can I see my sister?" I asked, hopefully. My tears were starting to lighten up.

"No, but if you want I can get her to come here. If she agrees of course" He told me.

"Why can't I go to her?" I asked, confused.

"You need to stay in bed, Veah however is in much better shape than you are."

I nodded "Alright, can you get her"

He nodded and walked out of the door. I sat there alone, crying for a long time. Even when the nurses came in to check my vitals I cried. You could tell that they felt bad, but there wasn't much they could do about it. So they just kept asking me if I needed anything. I wanted to say so badly that I need my mom, but I couldn't say that. Not to them anyways, they couldn't do anything about it. Only god could do something about it. Well I could too, but I can't commit suicide now. My life is at it's peak. I'm the happiest I have ever been (or at least was) I have the perfect group of friends, the perfect school, the perfect house and most importantly the absolute, perfect most beautiful boyfriend in the whole universe.

My crying stopped and I sat in my room thinking of all the reasons I'm lucky to be alive.

Someone then interrupted my thoughts by saying

"Hello Acacia!" a cheery voice said.

It's my sister. Does she not know that our mom is gone? Why isn't she sad? Why am I a wreck and she isn't? She definitely doesn't know and I have a feeling that I'm going to have to be the person that delivers the news to her.

"Um hey" I tried to say as cheerfully as I could, but it definitely came out very sad.

I was never good at disguising my voice.

"Are you okay?" She asked, walking closer to me until eventually she sat on the edge of my bed. Looking down at me.

"Yes I am" This came out even more pathetic than the first time.

"No you aren't...you have that look in your eyes. What happened?" she told me.

"Nothing, I'm just tired"

"You've been asleep for 4 hours, you aren't tired." She stated, and she was right. I was nowhere near tired.

"Alright, I'm not tired" I admitted

"Then what's wrong?" She asked very sternly this time.

I knew that I would have to be the one that tells her whats up.

"Alright, I'll tell you." I sighed.

She nodded, waiting for me to continue.

"You haven't seen mom have you?" I asked.

"No I haven't" she told me.

"That's because she got caught in the fire." I told her

Her eyes got watery and she looked up at me "Is she going to be okay?"

"She's been okay for a few hours now."

"What do you mean?"

"She's our guardian angel now"

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