Hanging out with the Guys

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I excuse myself from everyone. As I'm walking away, I feel everyone staring at me... I go upstairs to my room at answer the phone.

Beth: hoe, where you been?! I've been calling and you never answer..

Me:  sorry... I kinda had a "weird" weekend...

Beth: idgaf. Are we ever gonna hang out like we had plans to today?!

Me: yeah, we can... Sometime this week

Beth: yay. Oh hey... And whats that.. What Jackie was telling me about you and Chris


Beth: I had asked her about the concert, then she talked about her night with Trey and Tyga... Then she said you went home with Chris.

Me: it's nothin, I'll tell you later..

Beth: umm... Ok

Me: I have to go... Bye

Beth: bye

(My POV)
I don't want to rush Chris into telling everyone about us. But if his friends can know... I wonder if mine can. I don't want to ask infront of all of OHB, so I'll ask when they leave.
*I go downstairs*
Chris: hey babe! You came just on time

Me: on time?

Ace: we are thinking about going to the club tonight, like all of us.

Red: we can tease TMZ and everyone then eventually by the end of tonight or tomorrow we will let everyone know we have a new member in our fam

Keeis: you wanna go?!

*everyone waits for an answer*

Me: you know what... Why not, I'd love to

Chris: *smiles*

(Chris POV) 
Im glad that Aman and OHB get along well. I feel like hanging out tonight will get all of us closer to one another. Im happy she said yes. OHB better control they asses though.

We sat around talking until it was time to get ready. I decided to wear a black sheer dress... Only because Chris seemed to really like it when we got it.
After I was ready, I went downstairs to see that I was the first one, then came Red, Keeis, Mijo, Chris, Jamal... Ect.
We leave to go to 1 OAK, me and Chris went in the Lambo, OHB took Chris' other lambo. 2 of Chris' bodyguards took their own car.
We all got their at the same time, sure enough Chris was right, there were so many camera people out there

Chris: ready?

Me: Im a bit nervous

Chris: theres no need to be nervous, I'm there for you

Me: *smile*

Chris got out the car and then opened my door, we walked in holding hands, ignoring cameras, OHB came in behind us. One of Chris' bodyguards was infront of us, the other was all the way in the back.

In the club Chris was close and touchy feely like he was when I first met him... But not as bad. I guess I'm used to his weird ass now.

Next thing you know they gave Chris a mic... And he starts singing. So while he is singing, I'm just hanging and dancing around with all of OHB.....

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