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Chris spent a couple more weeks home and eventually started working again. I was back in a better body than before.. I was asked to do a lot of magazine and all that which was crazy. About a month passed by and Chris always had people over at the house talking to him to choose specific things, and he would ask for my opinion too, I think he was planning the wedding? One day I finally decided to ask

Me: Chris what is all this for

Chris: whatchu think?

Me: our wedding?

Chris: duh dum dum

Me:nigga why am I not included?! And you are actually serious

Chris; OFCOURSE I'm serious,, you thought I was joking? and I include you in what I want to. I just don't wanna stress you out.. I'll take care of everything and I wanna surprise you baby... Now have a dress in mind
Because you are gonna pick one out tomorrow


Chris; yeah in order for it to be ready on time

Me: oh my god

Chris; don't worry I called everyone. Rih is going with you, Jackie is and beth is along with kalina and my mom

Me: oh ok.

Chris: baby.. Don't worry we got this.,, I just want you to pick out your beautiful dress to suit your beautiful body. *he pulls me close to him and kissed me and smiled*

Me; ok babe.. *smiles*

Chris: *looks at me with a grin*

Me: what's up?

Chris; have I ever told you how beautiful your smile is

Me: no,, but thank you baby., you already know how I feel about your smile

The next day Chris had dropped me off at the place to get the dress and I'm not gonna lie I was nervous as freak. I met all the girls inside.

Rih; girl I can't even believe we are here to get your Damn dress, where is time flying by?!

Momma J: seems as a few months ago I birthed Chris and a few days ago he met you time flies

Jackie; we literally went to the concert as fans and now you are marrying Chris and I'm about to have Treys kid

Beth: I literally was introduced to red outta nowhere.. We are together,, and now y'all gon get married

Kalina: when Chris introduced you to me I knew you were the one.. I'm so proud

Me: y'all bouta make me cry,

As we were talking and sitting there waiting for the designer to come... He came, Chris got a designer to make a special dress to me, all I had to do was describe what I wanted then try on a couple gowns to see the style and everything.

Designer; Aman?

Me: yes?

Designer: nice to meet you.. And congratulations on your soon marriage.
Chris got me to be designing my dress

Me: ok!

Designer: would you like to try on a couple gowns first to get an idea?

Rih: *looked at ME* she would love to

They all went to the back where all the gowns were,, and I let them all choose one gown for me to try.. Out of all I liked Momma js and Rih. Part of the reason is because they are so close,

I think I had an idea of what I wanted. I took Rih to the designer with me and we sat there as I described the dress., I wanted Rih next to me so she could toss in her 2 cents, I was getting two gowns,, one for the wedding itself and know for the reception

Me:*describes what I want*

I went home successful and knowing Chris would love what I got.

Chris: done already?

Me: yup *with a grin*

Chris: I'm glad

The next few days had passed by almost perfectly... Until one night I was sleeping as well as Chris but towards the middle of the night he tightly grabbed my hand and began shaking, screaming and crying my name. I woke him up and he embraced me,

Me: Chris baby are you ok?

Chris: uhh.. I'm .. I'm.. Yeah

Me: ok go to sleep now baby., it's fine I'm right here...

I kissed him and layed my head on his was weird for him to be having these dreams again. Maybe it was nothing. It's been a while since he has had one.


Again sorry for the rushed chapter I know this was Boring I promise that with the end of the book coming I'll try to make it more interesting,

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