Chapter 7

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Picture of bjorn.

I couldn't move, for heaven's sake I could hardly breath. It felt like an eternity had passed before my brain finally registered what my eyes were seeing.

Stacey tried to run towards me but was held back by a brawny, muscular man that towered over her now-petite-looking frame. Recognizing the brown side-swept haircut accentuated with the blond streak in the middle I knew it was the same guy that had threatened Mr. Venditto last week.

He had said he wanted his money back, and they were here to collect.

My wary eyes floated around the room. 4 other bulky men were present, all just as scary looking. Two of them were pinning Mr. Venditto down on a chair while another had aimed his gun to his face. Blood was already dripping from his mouth and his body hung lifeless in the chair.

My eyes widened in fear, everything was spinning and I had no idea what was happening around me. The only thing I was aware of was the ominous presence that lured behind me as a hand remained tightly on my side.

His chest rumbled as he spoke, "Sbrigati. There were too many witnesses, cops will start crawling all over this place in no time."

(Translation: Hurry up.)

In this small moment of distraction, Stacey seemed to have found a window of opportunity to fight her way out of her captor's embrace. Kicking the man in his parts he shrunk down in pain. Before I knew it she held his gun, pointing it in my direction to the man behind me.

A hearted laugh boomed through the diner as if he had just heard the funniest of jokes. His grasp around me loosened as he moved his hand towards his waistband, pulling out his own gun. He seemed the least bit fazed by the weapon that was pointed towards him.

"Eleanor, run!" Stacey shouted but I was frozen in place. He was pointing a gun at her, he was going to kill her. He was going to kill me. My mind went into overdrive, a loud, shrill sound was blocking my thoughts, and it took a few seconds to I realize that I was the one screaming.

"Run" Stacey repeated, and as if on instinct I obeyed. The man behind me didn't even bother holding me back as he just watched me scurry away from him in amusement.

Without thinking I ran towards the restrooms.

"Grab the girl." An iron like voice spoke, more panic washed over me as I contemplated whether I should try and help Stacey or worry about my own safety. In only a matter of seconds I made my decision and sprinted away.

"Sebestian, get her you idiot!" the coldness of his voice send shivers down my spine.

I hurried into one of the cubicles and locked the door. I slid down onto the toilet seat, panting. I didn't have time to catch my breath before it hitched again as I heard the man's footsteps close behind me.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." The man -who I suppose was called Sebestian- chanted. I covered my mouth and tried to hold my breath, not wanting to give myself away.

"I know you are in here." He growled dangerously. I shut my eyes tightly, wishing for a miracle. I wanted to evaporate into thin air.

I saw his feet walk past the cubicle, I lifted my feet of the ground and hugged them close to my body.

'Please don't see me.' I chanted like a mantra in my head. But I guess luck wasn't on my side because next thing I knew the sound of a gunshot was heard and a small peeping hole was now visible in the door.

I screamed as another shot was fired, this time a bullet flew right passed my head, nearly grazing the side of my face. Tears were flowing down my cheek.

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