Chapter 20

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Zander's POV

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, while the other one tapped nervously on the wooden desk. I closed the file in front of me, pushing it away in annoyance.

I had been working for only an hour and I couldn't get mi angel hermoso out of my head. The way she had paraded into my office, the way she looked at me, nervous and uncomfortable under the intensity of my gaze. I found her fascinating, intriguing.

(Translation: my beautiful angel)

My stomach rumbled, causing me to frown. I hadn't eaten anything today. I cracked my knuckles and rose from my chair. I took my reading glasses off my nose and laid them on the desk.

What would she be up to right now? I shrugged the thought away as my phone rang.

"What?" I snapped, I left my office and made my way down the hallway. Bjorn started blabbering about something I concluded uninteresting, I just said the occasional yes and no's, pretending I was listening.

My apartment was quiet. Normally I wouldn't find that concerning since I live alone but now it was unsettling. I slowed my pace as I reached the end of the hallway and focused on any out-of-place sound.

"Zander are you listening?" Bjorn groaned over the phone.


"Obviously you're no-"

"I'll call you back." I hung up not bothering to let him finish.

I stepped into the living room, expecting to find Eleanor sitting on the couch watching TV or something. She wasn't.

Where the fuck is she?

I stormed towards the kitchen, she better be in there. I aint up for a game of hide and seek. My jaw clenched in anger at the thought of her messing around my house. I picked up my pace, planning to burst into the kitchen and give her a piece of my mind when out of nowhere a petite form ran into me with force.

Dazzled, I groaned at the hard impact to my chest. Confused as to what just happened it didn't take long before my eyes landed on Eleanor. She quickly got up, her mouth hanging wide open.

"I am so sorry Mr. Venturelli. I really am." She rambled as she took a step back. The anger I felt moments ago was flushed away from my system the moment she spoke.

"I was just looking for you." I grumbled.

"You were?" Her eyes widened as if realizing how excited she sounded, a small blush spread to her cheeks.

"Doesn't matter, why the hurry?" I asked, referring to her speeding out of the kitchen and running into me.

"I was- I was just..." I raised an eyebrow.

"You were just what?"

"I-I came to find you.." her voice turned into a whisper and her gaze dropped to the ground.

"Me? What do you need?" I hated the fact she avoided eye contact whenever she's embarrassed or scared.

"I- I made dinner."

Eleanor's POV

I waited for him to react, suddenly finding the floor more interesting. I didn't know what I was expecting him to say or do but it wasn't this. Silence hugged around us like a suffocating blanket. Why wasn't he saying anything?

I peeked through my eyelashes, a shiver went down my spine as I met his ice cold eyes. He was just looking at me with an unreadable expression. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it as soon as I realized I had no idea what to say.

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