Worries and Fears

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^^^~I love this so much btw XD~^^^


A/N: *cries because I'm an awful person for making you wait so long*

But(t) I do hope you can forgive me as I've been going through an emotionally hard time ^~^'

*gives you a cookie* If you're still reading this story after my horrible grammar and tardy updates, then I love you so much <3

I SERIOUSLY need help with this story so I would be mega grateful for any suggestions you may have.

Please, please, please either comment, send me a pm or Kik me (my Kik is ____.3mma.____) so I can continue the plot of the story.

And soooooo

Because I love youuuuuu

Here it issssss:

(Levi: FINALLY...)

Part 10! (Eren: woo!)


Petra's POV ~(^0^~)

Tip-toeing anxiously down the corridors, I felt cold sweat drip down my back. Eventually, I'd managed to escape from the confines of Hanji's lab. She'd been constantly asking me questions: what happened? When did Eren start showing signs of pain? Did I touch him? When did I black out? Did Eren hit me?


So, with great relief, when Hanji had left the room to share details about Eren's condition with Erwin, I managed to escape.

Where to, though?

Levi, obviously.

Eren wasn't bad, I just didn't really trust him, being a Titan-Shifter. He could transform at any time, maybe without meaning to, but could still cause who knows how much damage. With Levi being with him 24/7 until further notice, Eren could hurt him, too.

What would happen then?

Would someone kill Eren? Probably not, seeing as he so valuable to the Survey Corps. They'd probably secure him underground somewhere, like they did before the Trost mission, when everyone thought he was useless, and a burden.

Without realising, I had spent so much time thinking to myself that I'd found myself in front of Eren's door.

Should I go in?

What if it's dangerous?

What would Levi say?

~3rd Person POV~

Through the thin wooden door, Eren and Levi sat in a comfortable silence, the pair leaning against each other whilst sat on the bed. Eren was surprised that the crawling, prickly feeling under his skin hadn't returned, even though it had been a while since either of the two men had shifted, spoken or sneezed. (The raven-haired man, now much like a cat, had kept doing so before he'd moved over to the bed, and Eren found it to be rather adorable.) Levi, meanwhile was eyeing the layer of dust that covered nearly everything in Eren's room, and Eren was pretending he didn't notice.

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