A ray of hope

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Kirito's Pov *

*dream *

I was sitting on the front potch as (F/n) was sitting reading. I smiled at her. She looks up and says" Kirito..." I got up to walk to her when all of a sudden, everything became red...I looked at her as she was gone...I yelled "  (F/n)!!! (F/n)!!!" I looked around me and just saw red...

*dream ends*

I shot up from my sleep in a cold sweat. I held my forehead and looked over at the Nervegear helmet. I got up and walked to the mirror and saw that I had tears running down my cheeks. I wipe them away and says" I'm sorry I'm such a cry baby, (F/n)" I walked out my room and went downstairs. I saw Sugu busy practicing. I went to get her a bottle of water and went to watch her practice.

I looked at her and then Sugu turned around and saw me. I say" Morning Sugu. " she says" M..M..Morning, brother" I smiled cause I grew up knowing her as my sister. I toss her the bottle of water. As she came and sat down, I picked up her look alike sword and say" it's too light" she says" huh? Bamboo is heavy..." I say" okay let's go." She says" what? You want to spar with me?" I nod.

So we go spar, I stood in a position ready to fight.

Sugu's Pov *

I can't believe that my brother wants to spar with me. And I look at him as he stood there. I say" and what is that position suppose to be?" He says" it's my own style." I sigh and say" here I come " and we start. As we fought, I saw that this was like second nature to him and his movements were amazing but he left himself wide open. I hit on his head. He hissed in pain and I say" are you okay? " He says " I'm fine but man you are strong, not even Heacliff stood a chance against you. " I say " are you sure you are okay?" He nods and says " it was a good fight" and he puts the stick behind his back.

Kirito's Pov *

I look at Sugu as she has a confused face cause I had the stick behind my back. I realise that I'm no more in Sword Art Online, I'm in the real world now. I say" sorry and old habit of mine." She sighs and we took a break and I say to myself" I was good on my footwork but on my sword skills. It's weak. I need to work on it." Sugu says" Kirito, you surprised me, have you been practicing?" I look at her and say" sort of, Sugu I want to ask if you will teach me? I'm thinking about take it up again." She smiled and says" of course, Brother." I rubbed her head and say" when regain my strength" she nods.

We walk inside and she ask me" so what are you doing today? " I look away and say" I'm going to the hospital again." She says" you going to see (F/n)?" I nod and say" yeah..well I'll go make us breakfast while you take a shower." I walked towards the kitchen.

Sugu's Pov *

I'm happy for my brother that he refound his long lost friend, (F/n). I remembered that she used to always visit us when Kirito was younger. She was such a nice girl. I look at the picture that was hanging on the wall with her and Kirito when they were younger. I go take a shower.

Kirito's Pov *

After breakfast, I made my way to the hospital where (F/n) was. I went up to her room. I walked in and saw her laying there still had the Nervegear helmet on. I walked over and saw her brother, (B/n) sitting there. He looks up and says" hey Kirito..." I say "hey (B/n)..." he looks at her and says" thank you Kirito for protecting my little sister." I nod and place my hand on hers. And whisper " (F/n)"

As I stood there, a guy with glasses on and nicely suited up. He walks in and says" Hello (B/n)...it's so nice to see you again." (B/n) says" hello Sugou, I'm glad you came. Oh sorry Kirito, this is Sugou Nobuyuki. He is a dear friend of mine. Sugou this is Kirigaya Kazuto, my sister's childhood friend. " the guy says " you mean this is the guy who finished Sword Art Online?" I look at her brother as he gets up and says" Sugou we ain't suppose to talk about it see as it was our father who created Sword Art Online. " Sugou nods.

Sugou says" (B/n), I wanted to ask if we can make it official." I think ' official?' Her brother sighs and says" so soon? Well can we discuss this later on, right now I have to go. It was nice seeing you Kirito. I will pop by soon. " As her brother walked out.

Sugou says" Kirito, I heard that you and (F/n) were living together on Sword Art Online." I look at him as he held some of (F/n)'s hair in his hand. He says " well , seen as she was the daughter of Kayaba. I made it my priority to get close to her brother. Now he doesn't know what to do and his father's company went bankrupt so gave him a opportunity that will help with financial. In exchange for (F/n)'s hand in marriage."

My eyes went wide as he told me that he was going to get her hand in marriage. He says " hey Kirito, whatever you promised to her in the game. Forget about it and please don't make any contact with her or her family cause on the 26th of January. She will be mine." As he touched her lips. I growl and grabbed his hand and says" stop it" he takes his hand out of my grip and walks out and says" oh by the way, I will personally send you an invitation to it...Kirito say your final goodbyes." As he walked out. I looked at her and put my hand in a fist and went back home.

I went to my room and closed the door. I sat there as I thought about (F/n). I sat there on my bed as my sister, Sugu knocked on my door. She says" brother you can use the bathroom." I don't answer. She opens the door and comes in. I say" sorry Sugu but can you leave me alone for a few minutes?" She looks at me and holds my hand and ask" what's wrong brother? Did something happen to (F/n)?" I say " she's...she's going away and I won't be able to reach her..." I start to cry and she holds me as I cried.

She says " Don't give up on the one you love, brother..." her words made me slowly stop crying and fell tired. She laid me down to sleep. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*next morning*

I woke up and saw Sugu asleep. I got up and covered her. I went downstairs to make me some coffee. I stood there looking at the picture of me and (F/n) when we were younger...I get a flash back of us when we were small.

* flash back *

(F/n) says " Oi ! Boy." I look at her as she smiles and says" hello there I'm (F/n), I just moved in here next door. I was wondering what you like to do for fun around here?" I say" hi I'm Kirigaya but you can call me Kirito, I play video games." She smiles and says" awesome, I have video games. Would you like to play them with me?" I nod. She pulls my arm and says" hey let's be friends, Kirito " I smile and nod.

*flash back ends*

I smile and look at the time. I sigh and went to go wake Sugu up. I say" Oi! Sugu, it's time to wake up or else you will be late for your morning practice." She wakes up and says" morning brother" as she looks around. I say" Morning Sugu". She jumps up and ran out of my room. I say" Jeez..." I sat there and say" she was right. I mustn't give up on (F/n)"

Then a e-mail appeared on my screen of my computer. I sat by my computer and so it was from Egil. It said "Kirito, can you come see me, it's urgent" I got up and grabbed my jacket. I went to see Egil at his bar. I say" Egil, what is it?" He says " I wanted to show you something that you won't believe it..." he takes out a game called ALfheim Online and placed it in front of me...I say " it's a game?" he says" now look inside" I opened it and what I saw made me gasp in shock.....

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Author : hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please do comment and vote.

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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