The last battle and a final farewell

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Normal Pov *

*2 months pass*

You were in the kitchen busy cooking while Kirito was asleep. You finished your cooking and made yourself a cup of tea. You went sit outside to drink your tea...You look at everything around you and sigh.

(F/n)'s Pov *

I sigh and think ' Kayaba created this world...I wonder why he decided to make Sword Art Online. I always wonder if I will get to meet my real father cause when I asked my mother about him, she always said that he didn't care and that he was always busy developing something new. I wonder if he might be in this game trying to find me...' I sigh and whisper " I hope when we make it out of here alive, I will know who my father is and get the chance to meet him." I look at the lake.

" hey I knew I would find you out here." I turned around and saw Kirito there leaning against the wall looking at me. I smile and says " morning honey" he smiles and sits down next to me. I say" hey isn't that fishing thing today?" Kirito nods. I get up and say" well let's go..." he groans and says" I don't feel like going..." In one move I held my dagger at him and say" Kirito, you promised Nishida that we would be there. I hate to disappoint you Kirito but if you don't go then you better start learning to cook yourself...Cause I won't make those delicious, mouth watering food you love so much. "

He gives me the puppy eyes and says" no you won't " I smirk and say " oh yes I will..." he says " okay fine we are going." I sigh and said" man, I swear you love your food more than your own wife." He pulls me toward him and says" that's not true, I love you more than anything in the world..." I look at him and say " oh really? " He looks at me and pressed his lips against mine.

I smile into the kiss and pull away. I go get done and so does Kirito. We go to the see the fishing thing and to see the enormous fish that Nishida told us about. He tossed the line in and waits til there is a bite. Nishida gets a bite and starts to pull. Kirito goes towards him and Nishida hands it to Kirito.

Kirito almost got pulled in. I giggle at how funny Kirito was as he pulled it. I noticed something and made a run with the others.  We stood far away as Kirito pulled and pulled. The line snapped and Kirito fell on his ass. The enormous fish appeared.  Kirito got scared and ran towards us. He hid behind me and say" (F/n) don't leave alone like that again." I sigh and say" okay Kirito." The fish walked towards us. Everyone got scared.

I say" Tch, don't tell me you guys are afraid of a fish? " They all kept quiet and so did Kirito. I sigh and toss my hoodie aside and drew my duel blades as I walked towards it. It was about to attack me, when I ran lightening fast and attacked it. Everyone stood in amazed as they watched me defeat it.

After I defeated it, everyone cheered for me. I laughed as they praised me on the way I defeated the enormous fish. I lookedat Kirito as he made his way towards me. He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.

Kirito's Pov *

I was about to go to my wife when I got a message from Heacliff from Knights of blood oath. I saw that he needed my help. I sigh and went towards (F/n). When we got home, I told her that Heacliff needed my help. She nods and says " I want to help as well." I say" I'll speak to him and see if he needs help." She nods and goes to the kitchen.

I noticed that she had something on her mind but she always made it her point to tell me about it so that she doesn't forget about me. I loved her no matter what and I didn't want her to go with but over the years, she has proven that she is strong enough to handle herself. I trusted her to do what was best for her but I was also scared that I might lose her.

We went to bed and as I laid there holding her in my arms. I poke her sleeping face and say" hey lovie, are you awake?" She slowly opens her eyes and says" I am now Kirito, is everything okay? " I say "everything is fine, I just wanted to see your beautiful (E/c) eyes and your amazing smile, (F/n). " I  sigh as my eyes filled up with tears. She placed her hand on my face and says" Don't worry, Kirito I won't die cause I know you are there to protect me. " I smile as she wipes my tears away. She says " Kirito, I want to tell you thatI will always love you until this world ends." I pull her towards me and kiss her passionately. She says " Kirito, this feels so real yet we are far apart in the real world." As we intertwine our fingers with each other's.  I say" I promise when we make it out of here, that I will come find you (F/n) Kazuto." She giggles and say" I'm (F/n) Kazuto in this world but in the real world, I'm just (F/n) (L/n). " I look at her and say" you won't be for long" I kissed her again and we fell asleep.

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