¤A New Mystery¤

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(F/n)'s Pov *

I slowly opened my eyes and saw some people that look like security. One of them says" Miss, please come with us. There an important matter we need discuss. Please come with us." I look at him and saw that he had this look like something seriously bad had happened while I was asleep for so long. Another guy helped me up off the hospital bed. As my feet touched the floor, I couldn't really stand so much. They say" Miss, let us carry you." I say " No, I can walk myself" I slowly walked with them as they led me out. I suddenly stopped and say" Wait!" He turns around and says " What's wrong Miss? "I say " Someone said they were going to come here for me..." "Sorry Miss, but we have to go" As they walked on. I turned around as I walked and softly whisper " Forgive me, Kirito" I walked on with them.

Kirito's Pov *

I got to the hospital and was confronted by Sugou who had a knife in his hand. He says " You have taken everything away from me! Now I will make sure (F/n) will forget about you." And started to attack me. I dodged his every move but I got cut in my face and my arm. I fell down on the ground and he was about to kill me when I heard police sirens. They arrested him and asked me why am I doing here? I told them that I was here to see a friend of mine who had just woken up from a long sleep. They allowed me to go see her. I ran up the stairs with excitement in my eyes that I was going to see her again I smiled as I got to her room and say" Finally...My love, my everything..." I open the door and saw no one there. I looked around and found nothing. I say" (F/n)?!?" No answer came. I sat on the edge of the bed and thought maybe she was kidnapped or they moved her to another hospital. I ran back towards my bicycle and rode it home.

I got home and saw Sugu standing there. She looked at me and says " hey Kirito, so was she awake?" I say " yes but when I got there she wasn't there. " She says" maybe her family was there and took her home. " I say " I have to go see her...." I rode it towards (F/n)'s house. When I got there, there were people outside her house like they were guarding her. I ran towards them and asked " what is going on? " " Sorry but that's classified. So please leave. Miss (L/n) won't like to be disturbed." I turned around and walked away but what the guards didn't know is that I remembered that she showed me a way to get inside when we were younger, in case no one heard me knock on the door.

I went there and got in. I walked around searching for her. I heard talking but behind a closed door. I put a glass against the door to hear. All I heard was " So will you do it?" I think ' do what?' Then I heard her voice say" Yes I will." I wondered what it was that she was going to do. I slowly place the glass down and heard the guards say" Hey you! How did you get in here? " I turned around and ran. I say " I just wanted to see (F/n)" as I ran around the house, yelling" (F/n)".

(F/n)'s Pov *

* A few hours earlier *

We got to an apartment that was own by my brother and they show me my brother's body. He was dead. I started to cry" (B/N)!!!! NOOOOOOOOO...." I held his body in my arms. I say " you were the only family I had left. " they left me alone with him as I cried non-stop. I noticed he was wearing a new type head gear. I looked around and saw a Nervegear. I opened it and saw a game called 'Gun Gale Online' I looked for the cover of it. I saw that it was a game that is to do with guns. I look at my brother and then one of the guards came in. He says " are you ready to find out what happened here?" I look at him and say" yes I want to know" he motion me to follow him. We got into the car and drove home.

When we got to my place, I followed him to the lounge. He sat down and says " Miss , please sit down so I can tell you what happened to your brother. " I sat down. As hours go by, something in me snapped after he had told me and it changed. He says " okay, Miss, so will you do it?" "Yes I will" I said without hesitation. Then I heard a familiar voice say" I just wanted to see (F/n)" I think ' Kirito?' The guy says" you cannot tell anyone and especially him about this. " I nod then I heard Kirito yelling my name. I got up and opened the door. As I opened the door, I was tackled down by Kirito. I fell down with Kirito on top of me. I look at the guy as he bows before leaving. I pushed Kirito off me and got up.

I look at Kirito as he hugged me so tight that it felt like he was still strong just like he was in Sword Art Online. He says "  (F/n), I'm so happy you are awake. I went to your hospital room and saw you weren't there. When Sugu told me that you must of been at home. I rushed over to see you." I sigh and say " well my bodyguards was there when I woke up and took me home so I could recover from my long sleep. Sorry Kirito." I look at him and He says " it's okay, I know you had to come home to see your brother, by the way where is he anyway?" I say " he went on a business trip, he left just before you got here"

He says " oh man, I want to talk to him about something." I look at him with a raised eyebrow as I say" About what exactly?" He says " That's for him to know and for you to find out." I say " oh trust me, I will" He smirked as he puts his hands on my cheeks. I look at him as he leaned closer. I say " Kirito, what are you doing? " He says " what does it look like I'm doing? I want to kiss you..." I turned my head and say " umm Kirito, I need time. I just woke up from a long ass sleep" I look at him as he says " okay, I'll be waiting until then" I say " Thank you Kirito. I know we promised each other that we would date each other but I just want some time to sort out my life before committing to anything " He nod as he hugged me as well. I look away as my smile disappeared.

He says " let's do something together like we use to." I say " like we use to?" " You remember, when we played video games and chilled outside when we were kids" I sigh and say" yeah I remember. I would like to but I have to stay at home and rest, please don't hate me Kirito  " He says " (F/n), I can't hate you cause I love you" I say nothing until he looks at me as I say " you have to get home to Sugu, I'll be fine as long as I have my bodyguards protecting me." He says " are you sure? I can protect you as well" I say " yes I'm sure Kirito." He smiles and says " Okay (F/n), I'll see you tomorrow."  I walked him to the door.

He waved goodbye as I watched him get on his bicycle and rode off. I closed the door as the guy came towards me. I say " let's get this over and done with" He says " Okay Miss, we have to set up everything for you. " I say " I'll be in the shower, by the time I come out, it better be ready cause I don't want to waste anymore time" " Of course, Miss" I walked up to the bathroom.

Kirito's Pov *

As I rode away, I started to wonder why (F/n) was acting a bit different. I say " She look like her mind was somewhere else and that she was lying about something. Maybe I just over thinking it, if something was wrong she would have told me." I smile until I got home and when I did , I got a call from the guy who I met when I woke up from Sword Art Online.


(F/n)'s Pov *

After I had a shower, I went to my room to get dressed. I went to a specific room that they were going to set up the Nervegear. I opened the door and say" I am ready." They look at me and says " you sure you want to do this?" I say " I dead sure, don't ask me again ! " They nod as I lay down on the bed with the headgear on.

I think ' I must know who killed my brother and when I do, they will wish that they didn't exist ' I sigh and close my eyes as I say" Link Start ".....

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Author : Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry that I took forever to update this story. If you liked it then you know exactly what to do;)

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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