A Wondrous Compilation Of Fantastical Stories

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The following is the story of a unicorn and his friend. Enjoy.


There was once a unicorn named Namby. Namby loved playing with the other unicorns, but he never quite felt he fit in. In fact, he didn't feel like he could be himself around anybody, except his pet rock, Harold. Although Harold never said much of anything, he was Namby's best friend and Namby felt he could trust and confide in him no matter what.

But one afternoon, when Namby came home after a particularly atrocious day at school, Harold wasn't in his usual place. Now this surprised Namby because Harold was always there for him to talk to after a stressful day.

So, Namby searched high and low for Harold. He looked in the bathroom, the kitchen, and even under the bed. Namby finally found him hiding in the broom closet. Only Harold wasn't Harold! Somehow he had been turned into a smexy hunk of unicorn! He was still the same person, only now he could talk and crap.

So, Harold and Namby had hot unicorn sex and lived happily ever after.

The End.


I hope you enjoyed that, my dear reader (^-^)

Do not fear, for there is more to come

Ta ta for now, my little muffin


~Love, Emma <3

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