Late Night Talks and Other Things Part Two

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Yo, brochahco. This is part two of Late Night Talks and Other Things. The first part was written by my darling Jordy :)

Have a Sootball, you know you want one :D

(>^-^)>*  <(O.O<)

Now, back to Ace and Alex! Enjoy!

P.S. In case you didn't realize, this DOES have a boyxboy theme, so if you aren't comfortable with that, don't read it, and don't hate. That will be all.


-Ace's POV-

I turned restlessly in my bed, trying to get sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Alex, the way his eyes lit up when he laughed, his contagious smile. Everything about him was perfect and I was proud to call him my best friend, even if I wanted more.

I could never tell him how I felt, it would ruin our friendship. And that was something I was not willing to risk.

I tossed again and peaceful thoughts of Alex turned into anger over the incident that happened today.

I was walking into first period, five minutes before the bell rang, when I was suddenly tripped and fell to the floor. I quickly picked myself up and glared at the culprit.

Jake, one of the dumb jocks in my class, was sneering back at me with a smug look on his face.

"Where's your little faggot friend? Took it too hard last night and had to take the day off?" Jake taunted.

I just clenched my jaw and ignored him, walking to my seat in the back. Retaliation never made anything better.

I knew he was talking about Alex, we were practically inseparable, but this morning he had a dentist appointment, leaving me to face Hell alone. Until lunch, anyways.

The period was about halfway over when a note was thrown onto my desk. I looked up from my classwork to see who had sent it, but everyone was bent forward, working diligently.

I slowly unfolded the note, wary of what I would find inside.

I heard that fairies who have AIDS are willing to do anything for a lay. Does that mean Alex is easy?

That made my blood boil. Just the thought of someone implying that my little Alex slept around made me want to punch something. But Alex had made me promise not to let anyone get to me, and I was determined to remain stoic.

When the bell rang, signalling class to was over, I made my way out the door, getting bumped by Jake in the process. He wore a smirk on his face, as if to make sure I knew he was the one who sent the note.

The day quickly passed and Alex finally showed up, but I couldn't let go of what Jake had said. Whether Alex liked it or not, I was going to get back at Jake, and I knew just the way to do it.


I climbed up to Alex's bedroom window that was conveniently located directly across from mine, seeing as we were next door neighbors, and knocked on it.

"Alex! Alex! Alex! Look at me!" I somewhat shouted at the window.

I saw him stir and sit up in bed, glancing over at me and sighing. He walked over to the window and I saw he was only wearing pajama pants, giving me a good veiw of his chest. And boy, what a cute chest it was, but I digress.

I snapped out of my Alex-induced daze and climbed through his window.

"Wow, Ace. Really? It's 3 a.m. and I need my beauty sleep," he drawled, his voice husky and adorable from just having woken up.

I rolled my eyes at the statement and said, "Man, I have a great idea. I was just sitting in my room, right? And I thought, 'Hey why don't Alex and I go and do some stupid shit at 3 a.m.?' So here I am."

I waited for him to respond, and finally he replied, "Fine, whatever. Let's get going."

He said yes! We are going to have so much fun. "That's the spirit, man!" I yelled climbing back out the window.

We got into my car and Alex turned to me with a cute look on his face and asked, "So, where to?"

"Well, that's the, uh, thing. I know you won't approve, but we are going to egg Jake's house," I said nervously, praying that he wouldn't demand I take him back home.

"Well, let's do it! Jakes a grade A butthole, so why not?" Oh, he had no idea how much of a butthole Jake was.

I was surprised to say the least! I never thought he would go for it. I did a little happy dance in my seat and Alex giggled at me.

I pulled up to Jake's house and we sneaked up to it all ninja-like. Once we got the eggs out, they didn't stop flying from our hands, splattering all over the place, until Jake's dad ran out of the front door carrying a scary looking shotgun. He started yelling and we made like bananas and split.

We were still laughing hysterically, tears running down our face, when we got back home. I looked over at Alex where he was leaning against the car door trying to contain his giggles. He then looked up at me, his laughter dying down, with the most adorable look on his face. I couldn't help myself as I leaned over the console, and pressed my lips to his.

It was a small kiss, nothing too heavy, but it was that chaste display of affection that changed my life forever.


The End!!

I hope you liked that, I know I did :)

DFTBA, my dear reader.

~Love, Emma <3

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