Doors and Zombies

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A story written by Jordon, supreme lord of Transvestite Kens.


One day Lizzie was wandering about a book store when she ran into a wall. Now, it looked like any other wall in the history of forever, but it wasn't. It had a secret door!

Lizzie searched all over for the key to open the door, but couldn't find it. She kicked the wall in frustration and suddenly the door slid sideways to reveal a long, winding staircase. She looked down into the dark and didn't see anyone, so she said to herself, "What the hell, why not?" and proceeded to hop down the stairs.

At the bottom of the dimly lit staircase was another door, a big ornate one, painted a fancy gold color. So, of course Lizzie opened this door as well.

When she opened it she saw another set of stairs. She continued down these as well. When she got to the bottom there was another door. This time it was small and green.

Sticking to the status quo, Lizzie opened it.

This door led to a small hallway lined with assorted memorabilia. Not wanting to waste any time she quickly made her way to the door at the end of the hall, without pausing to look at the things on the wall.

When she opened the door to a small room on the other side she noticed a guy leaning up against the wall, turned away from her. So, naturally, Lizzie went to talk to him.

But when she got behind him, he turned around and bit her. Only then did Lizzie notice that he was, in fact, a zombie. A zombie that had just turned her into one as well.

The End.


Life lesson: never trust book store walls.


~Love, Jordon and Emma <3 ^-^

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