Late Night Talks and Other Things Part One.

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Heres the next installment of our book-thingy~

(Slight boyxboy action oops)


"Alex! Alex! Alex! Look at me!" I heard someone whisper-yell. Sighing I glanced over at my clock, its only 3am. Jesus what could he need now? I mean, its not like i minded having my extremely cute bestfriend knocking on my window at this ungodly hour but a guy needs his sleep.

Hopping out of bed I opened up my window and glared at Ace.

"Wow Ace. Really? Its 3am and you know I need my beauty sleep." Rolling his eyes Ace enetered my room via window.

"Man I have agreat idea. I was just sitting in my room, right? And I though 'Hey, why dont Alex and I go and do some really stupid shit at 3am?' So here I Am." I contemplated the idea in my head and figured why the hell not, its not like you get opportunities like this everyday. "Fine whatever. Let's get going." I said while putting my t-shirt on.

"Thats the spirit man!" Ace yelled climbing out the window. Soon after I followed and we got into Ace's car.

"So, where to?" I asked toying with the hem of my shirt. "Well, thats the uh, thing. I know you won't approve but we're going to go egg Jake's house." Ace replied looking extremly nervous.

Jake's been tormenting Ace and I ever since, well forever. He didn't even really have a good reason for doing so, other than Ace and I both being extremly gay, but hey thats beside the point.

"Well, lets do it! Jakes a grade-a-butthole so why not." I said,grabbing the eggs from the back seat. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Ace doing a victory dance. Hes such a noob, but he is a cute noob.

We parked a couple houses away from Jake's and snuck up to his house and began pummeling it with eggs.

Alas out of nowhere Jake's Dad came running out of his house with a huge frightening shotgun yelling obscenities at us.

'Well screw this,' I muttered and we took off.

As Ace and I pulled up to my house we both stopped our hysterical laughter and looked at each other. Suddenly Ace's eyes flickered down to my lips and I started flipping out. Ohgod. Whats he going to do? He can't like me, I'm me and he's well Him. But much to my surpise he slowly started leaning towards me.

I closed my eyes and let him kiss me.

And that spontaneous night became the best day of my life.



Sorry I just had to add that ending there.

lol if you hated that and are a homophobe then gtfo ok.

Thanks to the lovely Emma, we have decided this will be part one of two...

Part one written by me and part two by her, and if you enjoyed my part (omfg I hope you did) youre going to love hers.

See you later.

xo Jordon

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