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Another story, yayness!! This is a story by yours truly, Lafawnduh Dynamite.

JK, this is written by Emma ;)

P.S. I'm making this up as I am writing it lulz


Larry was an average joe. In fact, the only thing remarkable in his life wasn't even about him. You see, Larry was the brother of the famous spaghetti eater, Gnarly Quinn.

Gnarly Quinn became world renowned when he won the World Pasta Cup at the age of eight years old. The youngest person to ever even enter the competition, let alone take home the gold. Since then, Gnarly had been traveling all over the world, eating all kinds of pasta.

Now you can see how it was so easy to pale in comparison to such an accomplished sibling. But even though Larry had every reason to resent Gnarly, he didn't mind sticking to the shadows. And maybe that was remarkable in and of itself.

So, while Gnarly traveled the world, met famous people, and ate delicious food, Larry made a life for himself, content in a suburbian home and average job.

Until the fateful day Larry met Petunia.

Larry was on the bus, headed home after an unremarkable Friday at work, like usual, when the most beautiful woman he had ever seen walked on the bus and sat right next to him.

This surprised him, firstly because not many people took the bus these days, so there were an abundance of unoccupied seats, and secondly why would such a gorgeous woman want to sit next to someone like him?

It wasn't that Larry was bad-looking per se, he was just undistinguished. And this woman was the exact opposite. She had beautiful red hair and green eyes that twinkled with life. There was an air of dignity around her; it felt as if she was clothed in grace.

And when she sat down, she turned to Larry and gave him a smile that warmed him from the inside out, a smile that was genuine and kind and quite lovely. Larry returned it with smile of his own. He couldn't help but want to get to know this woman and be a part of her life.

But Larry soon got off the bus, having not exchanged a single word with the beautiful woman.

All weekend long, as Larry went about his unremarkable weekend routine, he couldn't get the woman out of his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about her elegant figure, her sparkling eyes, or that dazzling smile.

For the first time in his life, Larry was not content with being average. He was determined to make that remarkable woman a part of his unremarkable life.

So, when he got on the bus the next Monday evening, he wished with all his heart that the woman would be there.

And his wish was granted, for soon after he sat down, the woman came and took the seat next to him. It took him a few minutes to work up the courage, but he finally introduced himself.

Larry was astounded when the woman -who he now knew was named Petunia- was eager to engage in conversation with him. She didn't seem to mind that he was boring or that he wasn't very unique. In fact, she appeared to enjoy talking to him.

Larry got so lost in conversation with Petunia that he almost missed his stop. Luckily, he took notice of it on time. He bid farewell to the intriguing woman and walked home.

On Tuesday, Larry was so distracted with thoughts of Petunia and the ride home that he was running into walls and making copies of the wrong things all day. He couldn't wait to see her.

That evening, Larry greeted Petunia as soon as she sat next to him. He told her about Gnarly and always fading into the background and she shared her struggle with her family always expecting perfection. Nothing was ever expected of Larry and everything was expected of her; they seemed to complement each other perfectly.

Petunia treated Larry like he was someone to take a second glance at, someone who was special, unique. And for the first time in his life, Larry felt remarkable.

The End.


Dear lord that was long. For me anyways.

Anywhore, thanks for reading, my little muffin.


~Love, Emma

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