Four Leaf Clover

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Author's Note:

How'd I do picking a celebrity that looks like me? Not bad, huh? My friend Stephie (she'll appear in a different picture in the sequel) says I look like Taylor Momsen. And as an actress she can probably pull off acting like I pick her :)

I know the song's cheesy. I'm sorry! But it has a four leaf clover...I couldn't resist!

PS. There's a spot in this chapter where Ro shows a little immaturity. I think it's good for her character to remind you all that she is 15 and he is almost 3 years older. They're matched pretty evenly, seeing as boys mature slowly ;)


Ro sucked in oxygen. "You guys weren't supposed to know that. Like, you really REALLY weren't supposed to know that!" She steadied herself on the railing nearby. Then, feeling her throat go dry, she hurried to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass from the cupboard and shoved the cup under the water dispensor in the fridge, hyperventilating as she waited for water to fill the glass.

Mico, curious, ambled into the kitchen. "What's the matter?" He asked. She set down the glass, after downing the whole thing, and motioned towards the stairs. Danielle and Sam were both downstairs now but still Ro wihspered, "THEY...KNOW." She almost dropped to the floor. How could she have said something like that? They weren't even supposed to know what sex was. Ro was corrupting those sweet and innocent middle schoolers. She put her palm to her forehead. She wheezed, "Need...air..."

Mico took her hand from her forehead and led her outside gently. Once the cold air hit her, she seemed to come back around. "You're being a bit dramatic." Mico mused. Ro gave him a dirty look and said, "Your little sister heard us having sex. She is in middle school. I don't think I'm being dramatic enough." He rolled his eyes. The two of them kept walking down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. In silence they walked around the corner of the street.

Halfway around the block, Mico stepped into the snowy lawn of somebody they didn't know and reached for something green sticking up from the white. Ro watched, her curiousity growing, as he plucked it and held it out to her in the palm of his hand.

"A four leaf clover," Ro smiled, surprised with Mico.

"I was always good at finding these when the time was right," Mico chose his words carefully, trying not to sound cocky. He continued to hold the clover out to her. "Aren't you going to take it?" Ro reached for the clover and took it gently from his hand. She began twirling it in her fingers and she murmured, "You win." She meant he won her heart.

"It'll bring you luck if you make a wish." Mico told her.

"How do I make a wish on a four leaf clover?" Ro asked. "Teach me." She looked at him nervously, waiting for a response.

"You make your wish, and then you just let it drop behind you. You have to make a good wish though, a really good one. It's got to be something you can really concentrate on."

Ro smiled, unsure of herself. "What should I wish for?"

He answered,"Wish for something that wants to be wished for." Ro pursed her lips, scrunched her nose, and closed her eyes. He put a hesitant hand on her arm. "Wish for me." He said.

When Ro opened her eyes he was closer than she'd been expecting. She gasped. Ro smiled with resolution. "Alright."

She closed her eyes again, standing still. A cold breeze caught the clover and it flew from her hand. She looked him in the eyes and said, "There."

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