Without Him

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It was past noon the next time Ro opened her eyes. They felt very puffy and swollen; Ro was having trouble controlling her hands' need to scratch them out. The sunlight hd illuminated the room and made it unbearably bright. She tilted her head up to see Mico smiling at her.

He reached out and trailed a finger down her cheek; she shuddered. "Good morning, ugly." Ro rolled her eyes and buried her face in his chest. "Don't look at me then." She retorted. She missed this. She missed him picking silly fights with her and insulting her. It had been a long time.

This was how it was supposed to be between them; totally untouchable.

Ro half expected her phone to beep with a new text message from Ben, demanding that she wake up. She knew it wouldn't. It would never again. She took in a ragged breath and said, "I don't want to leave. Don't make me go." She gave him a pleading look as she drew back.

"I've never been able to throw you out," he told her, tightening his grip around her. She snorted and exclaimed, "That's not true! You picked me up off the couch one time, carried me out the door, and tossed me onto the lawn! You too have thrown me out." They both laughed at the memory and Mico huskily whispered, "It's only because I wanted to feel you in my arms. I let you come back in. And then I beat you to a pulp." Ro smiled. At least she wouldn't have to leave.

"Now, how about a shower?" She suggested.

Mico laughed, glad that she seemed to be in control this morning. He considered for a moment her question. "And how, if no one knows you are here, my fugitive, do you expect to do that?" He wasn't sure he knew her well enough to know what she'd suggest, but he heard it anyway. "We'll have to make it fit into the length of one shower...so we'll have to go in together. "

Mico's jaw dropped, hitting the top of her head. The laughed together and Mico's heart beat nervously with her proposition. She was right though. If they didn't want his family to find out they would have to shower together.

He nodded, kissing the top of Ro's head. "Alright," he concluded. He got out of bed, leaving Ro under the sheets and said, "Okay there's probably a towel in there. Once I make sure the coast is clear you'll have to go to the bathroom first, but don't start anything. I'll come in after I make sure that everyone knows to steer clear for about a half-hour. Got that?"

Ro nodded from her spot on his bed. She slithered out from beneath the covers and joined him at the door. They looked out the crack of the open door for a moment. He nodded and Ro slipped through the door down the hallway to the bathroom.

Mico walked to the kitchen and annouced to his father that he was showering. His dad said, "We'll steer clear." Mico nodded before walking to the bathroom and closing the door, locking it behind him. Well, no turning back now.

Ro sat on the smooth surface of the toilet seat. The cold broke through the warmth of Mico's flannels that she was wearing. Mico opened the door and entered; Ro smiled. He held a finger to his mouth as a 'keep quiet' gesture and flicked on the bathroom fan. He then turned on the faucet, pulling the knob to release the showerhead water instead of bath water and released his finger.

Ro said lowly, "Let's do this." Mico slipped out of his shirt as Ro drew the T-shirt over her head. She couldn't help but admire him- his chest, his abs. Ro locked her gaze with his and pulled his flannels off her thighs, letting gravity cath them and guide them to the floor around her ankles. She stood in just her bra.

He swallowed. "Water warm enough?" He asked her, silently inviting her to walk past him to test it. As she stepped past him, she'd never been so aware of someone's body. She'd never felt the heat of someone's gaze so passionatly. Sticking her hand behind the shower curtain to the stream of hor water, Ro let it wash over her fingers. "Perfect," she chirped. Making sure he was watching, she unclasped her bra, flinging it to the floor.

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