four- Understanding Mistakes

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Author's Note:

I'm going to try to finish typing this in one sitting. I'm at work and I can only type until 8, so we'll see how it goes. I'm sorry if I fail!

I hope you love Ann.

I still do.


The next morning Ro woke up with a heavy feeling and red rimmed eyes. She thought it was unusual seeing as she didn't remember crying the night before. Still she finished the motions of getting ready, moving through everything slowly. The last thing she did was grab a Luna bar because she didn't feel like eating at six AM.

This heavy feeling warmed her up in the cool morning, but everything she did felt slower than usual because of it. Miraculously, she made it to Mico's driveway on time.

Standing on the pavement, Ro pressed slowly up and down on her toes in her sweatpants, waiting for Mico's dad. Mico himself walked out the front door first, having seen Ro through the window. She smiled at him and his mouth twitched in return.

Sighing, she figured she couldn't do anything but be grateful for even that much of a response. The weight of the stories and secrets she was about to unload on her friends stood on her shoulders but it made her feel happy that two people would understand. Hopefully.

Mico stood with Ro outside, waiting for his father. Mico noticed the number of days Ro was wearing sweatpants was increasing. He didn't want to know if it was because of her cancer. As the sun rose over the houses across the street, Mico's jaw dropped slightly. As amazing as the sky looked, Mico was more taken aback by the way the light brushed her golden hair and lit her emerald eyes.

He reflected on how long it had been since he'd snuck out to see her. Five months was a long time. Mico smiled at Ro, and she smiled back. He stepped towards her, until their bodies were pressed together. He was about to steal a kiss if he could, but his dad came out of the garage door. The two jumped apart quickly and shared a sly smile. As Ro reached for the door handle, Mico noticed she was shaking.

Ro tried to steady herself: she didn't want to be this affected by Mico because then she could definitly consider herself addicted. Still her hand shook slightly as she reached for the handle of the van. She jumped in, Mico stepping in after her.

She memorized the car ride in detail to think about during her chemo. Her theory was to remember as many things about Mico as she could so as to stay calm. So she sat in the van, counting the breaths Mico took, noting how his fingers were shaped- thick and manly, but not fat- that his profile showed his father's eyes and his mother's nose. His cheeks were slightly pink, but not from embarrassment: the spring heat had already affected his skin tone.

Ro met Mico's gaze in the car and he didn't smile at her. Although it made her feel awkward, it was not as unusual as the past had been. Years of their past in fact had consisted of his somber attitude. His playful side only emerged when he tried to drown her when they were swimming, or when he hit her head against the fireplace.

However, Ro did also remember years when they wre younger in which they were inseperable. Ro ached for those years and she remembered how she'd known even then how much he would one day mean to her. Though the ride passed in silence as usual, Ro's thigh was pressed against Mico's and she felt the livewire heat her body, making her blush.

Mico looked out the window into the passing lane and watched the different cars go by. His phone vibrated and he opened the text message from Alexia, without replying. It was about ball; Mico knew he was going to have to tell the girl it wasn't happening some time soon.

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