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"I'M A WRITER" I scream as I do some funky shit such as

-looking up drugs and stuff

-not writing anything, just staring at the wall

-researching mental illnesses and death tactics

-not letting people read my work

-using that excuse when my parents ask me what I do on the computer

-staying inside all day

-bringing a bunch of things to my room

-scowling when my teachers tell us to close our chromebooks

-when we have something planned in advisory

-not going out with friends

-making a large amount of book covers

-using those book covers to develop fanfictions that will overwhelm me in the future

-when people use my computer and see my deranged work

-looking up obscure statistics

-researching when hypothermia was discovered

-keeping many word documents of research notes

-having really long outlines

-thoroughly detailing plot/characters as an intellectual synonym for procrastination

-reading reports on what it's like in rehab

-looking up causes of hemoptysis (coughing up blood)

-pondering weird things in real life that could make a story

-making elaborate playlists/trailers/art/edits for my stories

-probably more stuff that I can't think of

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