Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 

Amy's POV:

Turns out Niall is just like ALL the others! I should've never said yes to going over to their hotel! If I didn't I wouldn't have slept with Harry and I most certainly wouldn't have fallen for Niall...

Today is the last day we will have together he said that he WILL call and text me but I don't believe him...

I've just never been good with long distance relationships... I was never sure if he was cheating on me or not. Mostly because we aren't together and I have to trust the person, and that didn't work out well for me the last time  


"I swear babe, I'm not cheating on you!" My boyfriend of 4 months told me over the phone. He moved away with his parents last week because of his Dad's job... I have a few friends in the same town he has moved to, and they told me they saw him and some chick kissing...

"Yeah right! You're a dick! It's not the first time you've done something like this! Remember last week!? You said the exact same thing! I can't take this anymore! It's over Paul! We're OVER!" I said tears threatening to spill.

"No! Babe please! Amy Baby! I swear on my mom's life I didn't cheat on you!" He said trying to make me believe him... "Your mom is dead dumbass! Did you think I was dumb enough to fall for that!" 

-----End of Flashback-----

Tears starting spilling thinking back to Paul, took me weeks to get over him... I got up washed my make up off my face because my mascara had spilled. -I'm not one to wear a lot of make up, give me some mascara and some lip gloss and I'll be fine.- After I re-applied my mascara I went over to my closet to choose what I was gonna wear.

After about 10 minutes of looking at the stuff in my closet I decided on a grey tank-top that had a pen pocket with zigzagy blue and grey line on it. I paired it with a pair of jeans the same shade of blue from my zigzags. Instead of a normal purse I had a backpack that was the same blue as my pants but the zippers and stuff like that were grey like my tank top, I put on a star necklace that my dad gave me when I was four and put in Chanel studds I've had since my 14th birthday, I paired that with a leather like bracelet thing - I don't know what their really called- I changed my phone case to one that was grey and said "Stay Weird" in white. I did this cool/weird thing with my hair wear I let it down but take two pieces from the front and braid and put them together. I finished my outfit off with a pair of grey converses. (outfit in the side bar)

Right when I was completely finished getting ready my doorbell rang. I went to answer it and saw all the boys except Harry. Guess I'll be spending the day with all of them...

----Skip to the end of the because I didn't want to write a whole entire day of activities----

Today was actually pretty fun! We went around town, me showing them a few cool places because they were new in town. They are actually cool people once you get to know them... To bad I won't get to know them even more... Right now all of them except Niall went back to their hotel.

"Niall, we need to talk..." I told him, "Sure babes, what do you want to talk about?" He said completely clueless, "This isn't going to work out... I mean I really like you but I just can't do long distance relationships, last time I did the guy took advantage of the trust I had towards him... And I'm just not sure if I'm ready to have my hear broken again."

He looked sad but I can tell he was trying to hide it. "But if you ever come back and you're not in a relationship with anyone, then we could give this another try." I told him trying to hide the fact that tears were starting to build. "I don't know to say, I mean just simply saying: okay would be rude. But if you're sure that's what you want then I respect it. But we will still stay friends, right?" He said taking everything really well. "Yeah! Of course! We will stay friends!" I say really happy. I guess that it, he's gonna leave and find someone perfect for him while I'll be here forever alone with 123 cats...

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