Oh god... Are you sure he's going to be okay?

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"Oh god... Are you sure he's going to be okay? He looks so bad, oh god what did I do..."

Through the consistent ringing and searing pain in my skull, this tiny little whisper seeps through somehow. I don't know who it belongs to, but he sounds... Familiar. His voice makes me smile a bit. He sounds like he's a warm and happy person. A warm and happy person that has just dropped and shattered a Tiffany lamp and doesn't know what to do or say.

I attempt to crack my eyes open a bit into small slits and am greeted with the light of a thousand suns.

"Turn that damned light off, you fucking retards," I groan. I hear someone anxiously patter over to the door and flip the switch with a satisfying click. The room gets much darker, and I sit for a few moments, hoping the pain will secede a little.

I really wonder where Jewel is and why she's not here yet. She's always been unafraid to cut a huge meeting short if I needed her, whether it be for one of my family members dying or if I broke a bone. We've been together for what... a year and a half now? Maybe she just hasn't been told yet...

I open my eyes slowly, the darkness being much easier on my migraine than the blinding light of Jesus himself. My eyes take a moment to adjust, the room completely silent. Two figures appear from the darkness, scaring me a little. One is a really short and slender blonde woman, the other towering over her. The woman timidly hides behind the healthy looking guy while his eyes are the size of silver dollars. He's breathing really heavily, his face coming more into focus as my eyes continue to adjust. He's got a damned nice tan, and really good looking facial hair. Like damn, I want that facial hair. He has a sharp jawline, soft brown eyes, and ruffled looking black hair. He's pretty tall, too, about my height. He looks tired and.. Worried about something.

"Who are you?" I mumble gruffly, rubbing the back of my head and feeling a huge knot beneath a bandage. "And what happened to me?" The tall dark guy winces when I ask who he is, as if I should recognize him. He regains composure quickly.

"Hi, um, I'm Dale. " he says weakly. "And... You've got a pretty bad concussion. Maybe it should be better if I just let the doctor explain..." He shoots a look at the nurse, Samantha by the name on her chest. Not taking her eyes off of me, she scurries out of the room.

"And grab me some fucking pain meds while your at it, Samantha, I've got a bump the size of fucking China on my head and you clearly haven't given me enough because this migraine is fucking god awful!!" I yell to her as she scuttles down the hall faster. I lean back into my hospital bed, rubbing the bridge of my nose. I open one eye, looking at Dale. He's sitting down in a chair now, and the door's closed.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I ask him, letting out a deep sigh.

I-I just.. I-I'm, I don't know." He seems uncomfortable.

The doctor comes in, saving the guy from the embarrassment, and writes something on his clipboard. As he's writing, he pauses, looks up at me, then goes back to scribbling. He glances over at... Dell? Whatever his name was? And he squirms in his seat. The doctor sits down in a chair next to me, done writing.

"So, how are you feeling?" He asks, putting on the fakest smile I have ever seen.

"I'm feeling just peachy, y'know? Sun's shining, birds are chirping, I've got a fucking tumor or something on the back of my head, couldn't be better!" I smile back.

The doctor's eye twitches, but he continues to smile. "Well, as we heard all heard you screaming down the hall, you have a pretty bad migraine. The knot-" he lifts the back of my head and lightly touches the enormous bump, "has not shrunk at all. But your motor skills are clearly fine." He writes something on the clipboard. He proceeds to ask me questions, like my favorite color, biggest fear (to which I replied, "You're mom"), stuff they'd ask someone with amnesia or something. Wait...

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