The car ride to his house was completely silent the entire time.

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The car ride to his house, which was about 20 minutes, was completely silent the entire time. We reach his apartment building, the snowstorm getting only more fierce by the second, and Dale glances over at me before getting out of the car. I breathe for a few moments, still waiting for the headache to subside, and prepare myself for the frigid cold. I jump a bit when Dale opens my door, surprising me. I hop out and close the door, following Dale. All I could see was the contrasting dark clothing on his back against the bright white.

When we reach the apartment and then trudge up the stairs, I get this weird sense of déjà-vu, feeling like this has happened before. Amnesia is weird.

Dale heads into his apartment first, taking off his shoes and coat and neatly placing them at the door. I do the same, and look around the room. Expensive is the first thing that came to mind, huge glass panes on the wall across from the door, the wide spacious living room containing a huge flat screen and a couch on one side of it while an unmade bed and doorway were on the other. There was also a tall table with bar stools around it on the other side of the doorway. Stainless white carpet spanned the whole floor, the walls just as white and clean.

We sort of just stand there awkwardly for a few minutes before Dale runs his hand through his hair and disappears into a doorway near a bed in the corner of the room. It looks like a kitchen, the shining white tiles without a speck of dirt.

I hate snooping, but I can't sit here for a moment longer without knowing what the fuck happened last night, how I know this guy, and why I haven't gotten a call from Jewel. What is going on here? First things first, I'm missing my cell phone AND my wallet. I'm gonna have a little look around.

I listen closely for any noise; I can hear Dale somewhere in a back room pretty distantly. Sounds like he's on the phone.

I walk quietly over towards the couch, peering over from behind it towards the TV. There's an x-box one beneath the flat screen with two controllers sitting at the edge of the couch. Damn, this guy has Halo 5? I wonder where he works...

I look across the room into the doorway that Dale walked into. I can still hear him talking on the phone.

I walk over to the bed, the messiness of it looking out-of-place in this completely spotless apartment. I lift up the covers and look around for my phone or wallet within the folds. Not having any luck, I look around the floor. On the other side of the bed, I see an aged, black leather wallet. I pick it up and open it. I'm greeted with the perfect smile of Dale Lee Bache, height 6'2, eye color brown, date of birth 14-February-1992. Hm. He's taller than me.

I hear a refrigerator closing nearby and jump up, the blood rushing to my head all at once. I fall onto the bed hard, my head landing onto a pillow. It still hurt like hell, my head pulsating in synchronization with my heartbeat.

Dale walks in holding a red drink of some kind in a glass bottle. Upon seeing me cringing in pain and holding my head within a pillow, a fearful look appears quickly on his face. He sets the drink on the table with the bar stools and rushes over to me.

"A-are you okay?" He asks, looking like he doesn't know what to do.

"Yeah, I'll be okay as soon as I take some of those pills," I manage to get out through gritted teeth.

"Oh yeah of course," he says and swiftly rushes over to his coat. He pulls the pills out and reads the bottle before handing me two. He offers me the drink to help swallow them. I didn't even smell it before I shoved the pills in and took a huge swig. It tastes like peaches.

I hold my breath for a bit before breathing slowly, waiting for the pain to go away. Dale sits at the edge of the bed, wide eyes watching intently.

I lie down on the bed, not worrying about being rude at this point. I crack my eyes open a little and catch Dale staring. He blinks a few times before shifting his gaze towards the TV.

"Where's your bathroom? I've really had to pee ever since I woke up and I really hate using hospital bathrooms, there's no telling who's died in there or something," I say, trying to ease the tension a little. This amount of awkward should be illegal.

"Oh, um, past the kitchen, down the hall, and to the left. The light should be on," he says, almost a whisper.

I sit up slowly, steadying myself. I walk into the kitchen, a wooden island in the center with pots and pans hanging from the ceiling. A metal fridge gleams in the bright white of the snowstorm.

I walk past and go through the only other doorway in the room. I look to the left, a door cracked open with light spilling out into the dark hallway. I carefully walk over and push the door open.

This guy is a complete neat freak, nothing out of place. Everywhere except the bathroom that is.

The first thing I noticed was the puddles of watery red spilled all over the floor. The next thing was the huge, webbed and crackling glass of the shower door. I instinctively grab the back of my head where the huge knot is.

The countertop has blood on it too, his toothbrush and paste knocked over and out of the way. White, red-stained towels are everywhere. I suddenly don't have to pee anymore.

I walk back to the living room, Dale still in the exact same spot, and sit down next to him on the bed. I can feel heat radiating off his body.

We sit for a minute or two, before I finally say something. "Do you want to explain what happened here?" I say in a low voice.

He turns slowly and looks up into my eyes. Dale whispers, "I'm so sorry. I'll... I'll start from the beginning."

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