Listen, I'm really sorry, but I seriously cannot make it to work today.

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"Listen, I'm really sorry, but I seriously cannot make it to work today. Something came up and I promise I'll be there tomorrow."

The hospital smells strongly of chemicals, coffee and apple cinnamon. I can tell the candle is supposed to drown out that signature hospital smell, but really, it wasn't helping much. But, it's one of my favorite scents. It smells like Christmas, my favorite time of year. So, I welcome the scent, even if Christmas has already passed.

"I really don't see what the big deal is. I need you today. I have an important meeting with the head of our division and I won't have time to schedule a time for the client who called yesterday. What was her name... Jan.. Jolene.. I don't know, something that started with a J... Anyway, do you think you can call her and schedule an appointment for her from home or.. Wherever you are?"

The bright white of the hospital strongly contrasts with the dark morning outside, separated merely by a large panel of glass. The slow but steady stream of people moving in and out of the spacious room, both doctors and visitors, served as a nice background noise doubled with the TV. The news was on, reporting something about a shooting.

"Yes, I think I can manage that. Again, I'm really sorry, Ms. Vargas. It's just.. Really important. I should be back tomorrow."

"Meeting's in five minutes. I'm expecting a call from that woman by at least 6:00, no later. I'm counting on you, Mr. Bache."

Locking my phone, I rub my eyes with one hand. I run my fingers through my hair then let my hands drop, hanging between my legs.

What a fine morning. I had absolutely no sleep at all. I'd been on the go since 2 AM, rushing some stranger I met last night to the hospital after having sex in the shower, explaining to the doctors what happened and how he had a concussion, worrying sick for hours without any news, all without the aid of coffee. Suffering the strange and uncomfortable looks from the doctors, receptionists, and other visitors who somehow found out why I was there was enough embarrassment to keep me awake for weeks.

I glance up as I hear the voice of the doctor I first spoke with over the consistent background noise. He speaks to the receptionist in hushed tones. She glances over at me and lets out a burst of laughter. How nice.

The doctor walks past the huge pane of glass, the sun beginning to shoot ribbons of red and purple through the early morning sky. I stand up and glance at the clock hanging on the wall. 5:56 AM.

"Hello, Dale, was it?" the doctor says, flashing a very plastic looking smile. He twiddles his thumbs behind his back.

"Yes, I'm Dale. The one who brought in the guy with the concussion," I say jokingly, hoping to ease the tension. I extend my hand for a handshake. The doctor stares at my hand for a moment, before I drop my hand back down. God, this day is just getting better and better.

"Sorry we couldn't let you in sooner, under normal circumstances only direct family members would be able to come in and see him. We weren't allowed to let you in, but it would seem that we're in a sort of predicament."

"So he's awake? Is he alright?"

"Oh, yeah, he's been awake for a few hours now. It's against policy to disclose information about patients if they aren't direct family." the doctor says, matter-of-factly.

"Then... Why are you talking to me now?"

"Like I said, we have a bit of a problem. You see, when a concussion occurs, it can, quite literally, move the brain around within the skull. This can cause blood vessels to be busted, or bruising, as well as injury to the nerves." My eyes widen to the size of silver dollars, anxiety rising into my stomach. My hands start to shake. I grasp them together.

"This can cause a number of things to go wrong within the brain and cause it to function abnormally. As for your.... As for Lewis, his brain has sustained an injury to a piece of the memory center of his brain. In other words, he has amnesia."

"Oh god... Oh god. How bad is it?" I ask frantically, my eyes welling with tears.

"He's retained general information; he knows who he is, how to eat, stuff like that. He definitely remembers how to speak, as soon as he woke up he started yelling inappropriate words at Nurse Samantha who was checking up on him. She came running to me, crying. He even remembers his name. But he doesn't remember how he got here, what happened to him, or even his family. He doesn't even remember your name."

This shouldn't have hurt as much as it did, I barely even knew Lewis. We'd met in a bar, gone to my house, played some videogames, and had some really nice sex. God, what the hell had I been thinking. The alcohol must have had some effect on me, but at the same time, loneliness had been getting to me lately. And now I've messed up possibly Lewis's whole life. My hands tremble harder, still clenched together tightly.

"He does, however, keep asking for the same person. Do you know someone named Jewel?"

Jewel... The name sounded familiar... I'm just a tad jealous that it wasn't my name. "He mentioned her last night. She's his ex-girlfriend, I think."

The doctor couldn't hide the look of surprise when I mentioned the word "girlfriend."

"Would it be alright if I came to see him? I know, I know, 'family only', but you've got a "predicament," right?"

The doctor looks at me for a moment. "I suppose that would be alright. Maybe we can see if he'll recognize you if he sees you."

My phone begins to ring loudly, bringing the attention of the whole room to me. As we walk towards the a large doorway, I pull my phone out, the screen brightening and buzzing loudly. The name on the screen stands out like blood in the snow. "Jewelianne."

"I'm so sorry, let me take this really quick before we go. It's important." I turn around and answer the phone.

"Yes, Ms. Vargas?"

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