Chapter One

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Connor’s POV

            I got out of the bathroom and went to find Nicole. I saw her standing with her back against the freezer. She had a small bag of peanuts in one hand and my drink in the other. A tall, badly dressed man stood in front of her. “How you been, sweetheart?” He asked, touching her cheek. “HEY!” I yelled. I ran over to the two of them. “What's going on here?” I asked. He laughed. It was a deep laugh and it made my skin crawl. “Is this that little boyfriend of yours?” he asked. “He ain’t much.” “Stop” Nicole said. “Just stop it.” Her voice was shaking and she had fear in her eyes. “Nicole” I said. “Who is this?” “My father…” She said, avoiding eye contact with me. He turned to me. “So you’re the one who took her away?” he asked, posing it more like a statement than a question.

            “No” I said. “I only helped her find a place to stay.” He rolled his eyes and turned back to Nicole. “You’re coming with me.” he said, grabbing her wrist. “No” I said. “She’s nineteen years old; she’s a legal adult. You can’t make her do anything.” Nicole’s dad let go of her arm and turned to me. He grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me up to face him. “What the hell did you just say to me?” he asked. “I said she’s a legal adult” I said. “You can’t tell Nicole what to do anymore.” He put me down and shoved me away and then turned back to Nicole. He slapped her across the face and smirked. “That’s for running away!” he yelled. He slapped her again, harder this time. Nicole fell to the floor. “NICOLE!” I screamed. Her dad laughed. “That’s for your stupid boyfriend.”

            “Sir, you need to go.” I said. “Connor, don’t.” Nicole said. I looked at her. Her eyes were filled with fear and I saw her holding back tears. “Just go” She told me. “Go with the guys. Don’t let down your fans. I’ll be fine.” “No you won't be!” I cried. “Go!” Nicole yelled. I turned around sadly and walked away. “Let’s go.” Her dad said. He walked by me, dragging her along by her wrist. ‘I love you’ Nicole mouthed. I forced a smiled and ran to the SUV. I got in and slammed the door behind me. “DAMMIT!” I screamed. Everyone looked at me. “What happened?” Toby asked. “Where’s Nicole?” Emie asked. I screamed and kicked the back of the driver’s seat. “Chill, dude!” Chris cried. Emie placed her hand on Chris’ arm. “Babe, something is obviously wrong. Don’t yell at him.”

            “What’s wrong, Connor?” Emily asked. “Nicole’s dad came back and he dragged her away and she’s gone now.” I said, trying not to cry. “We have to go help her!” Toby cried. “No” I said. “What? She’s your girlfriend, don’t you want to save her?” Emily asked. “We can't let the fans down.” I said. “But Connor… they’ll understand if we explain it to them.” Toby said. “It’s not our place to tell them her life.” I said. “But Connor” Emie said. “No” I said. “No buts. We need to go.” “Are you sure?” Chris asked. “YES!” I shouted. “NOW JUST DRIVE!” Chris turned back around and started the car. He drove off and Braiden followed behind. I sighed and sank down in my seat.

            Chris turned on the radio and I pulled out my phone and opened up twitter. I looked through my mentions to see recent tweets to me.

“@BYEconnor I get to see you today for the first time! I’m so excited!”

            I smiled and sent the girl a tweet back.

“@BYEamanda Cool! Can’t wait (:”

            I sighed and scrolled down my timeline. Occupying your thoughts isn’t always easy to do. “Next is No Love by Simple Plan!” The radio announcer said. The music started to play softly and Pierre Bouvier started to sing. Staring out into the world across the street; you hate the way your life turned out to be. He's pulling up in the driveway and you don't make a sound, cause you always learn to hold the things you want to say. You're always gonna be afraid. There's only hate. There's only tears. There's only pain. There is no love here. Oh, so what will you do? There's only lies. There's only fears. There's only pain. There is no love here.

            Oh well isn’t this the perfect song to hear now. Broken down like a mirror smashed to pieces; you learned the hard way to shut your mouth and smile. If these walls could talk they would have so much to say, cause every time you fight the scars are gonna heal but they're never gonna go away. There's only hate. There's only tears. There's only pain. There is no love here. Oh so what will you do? There's only lies. There's only fears. There's only pain. There is no love here. Oh no, so what will you do? I tried my best not to listen but I couldn’t shut the song out and it seemed to take so long to end. You're falling, you're screaming. You're stuck in the same old nightmare. He's lying, you're crying. There's nothing left to salvage. Kick the door 'cause this is over. Get me out of here (Kick the door). There's only hate. There's only tears. There's only pain. There is no love here. Oh, so what will you do? There's only lies. There's only fears. There's only pain. There is no love here. Tell me, what will you do?

            I sighed and shut my eyes tightly. “End. End. End.” I mumbled to myself. There's only hate. There's only tears. There's only pain. There is no love here. The song ended and I sighed in relief. I opened twitter again and sighed. “Is this what you call a family?” I tweeted. “@BYEconnor Sleeping With Sirens?” someone asked. I laughed a bit. If only it was. If only it was…

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