uno x x {Edited}

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Sephy's POV *Pic of her in the tab-thingy*


I unglued my eyes and slammed my hand down upon my alarm clock. Groaning as my eyes adjusted to the light in my dark room. I took a deep breath as I stepped onto my messy floor and cringed even more as the cold wind from my fan blew on my clothed feet. I tip toe to my door, grabbed my charged phone and went downstairs.

I sat down at the kitchen table as waited for the kettle to boil, so I could make myself an herbal tea. I scrolled through instagram and checked my text messages. I had a few messages from my friend, Rachel, who wanted to be picked up extra early today, due to the fact that she wanted to stop in McDonalds for an Egg McMuffin. I also had a message from my lab partner, who wanted me to come over after school. I chuckled at his failed attempt to befriend me.

I heard the kettle whistle and was dragged from my thoughts and onto making cereal and a nice hot drink for myself. I soon heard my mother's soft footsteps coming towards me. I was then engulfed in a warm hug from behind and was kissed on the forehead.

"Morning Mom, how did you sleep?"

"I slept fine, Sugarplum. Besides your fathers terrible snoring, last night was worse, but your headphones worked a treat for blocking him out. If you use these in Physics class; that would explain the failing grade. I might just take these away, so you can't use them anymore. Maybe your grades will improve." she laughed and looked at me for a response.

"You're just saying this because you want them to block out dad at night." I chuckled and began eating my lucky charms. We had a few minutes more of casual conversation until I excused myself to get showered and ready.

I ran up my stairs and into my bathroom to do my necessary needs. I then walked to my bedroom and picked out the perfect outfit; which was my grey Nike tracksuit with my white halter neck bodysuit and my grey Adidas yeezys. It took at least 5 months for me to get them due to the limited amount of them and lack of money. I then snatched my backpack from my floor which had my necessary books for the coming school day.

I then made my way downstairs to my mom's old black Mercedes and started to make my way to Rachel. I took my time and turned on my "Driving Playlist". {A/N the link is at the bottom lol} I hummed along to my favourites and blasted the AC in order to stay cool until I got to my friend.

Rachel and I have known each other since 2th grade when we literally went up to each other and said 'Let's be friends'. I obviously don't remember because that was almost 10 years ago. But our moms like to remind us from time to time or whenever we fight. It always brings us back together..

I pulled up to Rachel's house and texted her that I was just outside, almost as soon as she got into my car. She then said, "Well, I know you're outside. I have eyes, silly rabbit"

We laughed at her silliness and made our way to school. We stopped at Starbucks and McDonalds on our way. We quickly arrived at school, departed from each other and went to our lockers.

I opened my locker and put my history and French book into it before it was slammed shut by some girl and a guy. I inwardly groaned as I realised who it was, my lab partner, Sam Wilkinson. I flicked my braided hair over my shoulder and coughed to make my presence known. He smiled at me and pushed the blonde away from him- who I then recognised to be a girl from my gym class called Gabriella {Demartino lol}

"Gabrielle I don't date white girls sorry." He smirked at me and winked, "Sephy, call me sometime. We can hangout maybe. Watch Netflix, eat pizza. I just want to show you how I could could treat you.

I almost choked on my spit; I'd had a crush on him since forever. I didn't even realise that he knew my name. Well that's what I would say if I actually cared about how well he could treat me, and I also don't catch feelings for players.

So instead of choking, I said, "Sorry Sam, but anyone that would turn down a girl as FINE as Gabi down because of her SKIN TONE is mad." I then turned to Gabriella and said," Let's got to Math, babe. There's no one worth our time here." I smiled at Sam and walked away.

I smiled to myself, knowing that standing up for my acquaintance was the right thing to do, Sam shouldn't be so aesthetically focused, it's what's on the inside that matters.



Feels really good to have this done. Thanks for reading chapter one :)

Love you Guys

-Leah xxxxxx

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