CINQ x x {edited}

378 16 1

Sephy's POV

I strutted down the hall to my locker, he'd messaged me this morning saying that he had a "surprise" for me. After last night, I'm surprised he even wanted to talk to me.; I'd expected him to ignore me since his ego was torn. But who knows, maybe he'd gathered all the women that he'd been rude to from school and was going to public apologise to them; which would totally win me over! It really didn't surprise me when he didn't do that. 

What did happen, you may ask. Well I'll explain.

I was getting ready to leave due to lack of time I would have to get to my first lesson; when Sam showed up with a chocolate cupcake in his hand. It was of a reasonable size and was accompanied by a large teddy bear and a scented candle. I looked towards Sam, taking in his small smile and nervous eyes.

I cringed at his nervous stance and asked him,"Now what made you think that it was my birthday? And what made you think that I would want ANY of this?" I inwardly smiled at my rude words and saw his face contort in confusion. I assume he expected me to take the petty presents with open arms.

He looked at me and mumbled, "I know that it's not your birthday. That's on the 6th of March. I know you Persephone, and I know that apologising to all the girls that I have put down, including you, is the right thing to do. I got everyone a cupcake; and hand wrote a card to say how sorry and wrong I was. You're the only one that got a bear and candle; because I used them to get to You and I used your locker as a playground to play my games. And for that, I apologise."

All I could say was a simple, "Oh"

His entire attitude changed drastically; he stood up tall, almost as if he was sucking in a large breath of air. He then uttered,"Persephone, I was wondering if you'd give me the chance to respect and love you as the strong woman that you are, and allow me to cook you dinner on Saturday?"

I felt my eyes roll and automatically felt that I'd upset him, I then smirked right back at that Samuel and replied, "Of course, I would like to.."

I then walked away and thought about how this bet could change me, possibly for the better.


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