Chapter 2

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Battle of Coruscant (Part 1)

The next morning Petro had a rough awakening because Zatt shock him by his shoulders.
He groaned.

'I'm awake. What's up?' he asked while stifling a yawn.

'The Jedi High Council wants to see you.'

His tiredness vanished immediately. 'Me? Why?'

'I don't know, but you must hurry up.'


He jumped out of bed and put on his tunic. He was already on the doorstep when he turned to his fellow youngling again.

'Zatt, do you think they'll send me to the medical corps, or the agricultural corps? Or even worse! THE EDUCATIONAL CORPS?'

'Stop imagining the worst! I'm sure they want to congratulate you again or something like that.'


Zatt pushed him out of their initiate room.


And Petro ran, as fast as he could until he stood before the Jedi High Council chamber.
Calm down! He ordered himself.
The youngling took a deep breath before entering the chamber.

'Petro, step forward

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'Petro, step forward.'

He did as he was told by Master Windu and bowed to the Council members.

'Do know you why here you are?'

'No, master.'

Master Yoda approximated him. 'Give me your hand. Close your eyes.'

Petro followed every order. The youngling felt another presence entering the room, approximating him.
Suddenly he felt another hand, a much taller one, grabbing his own.

'Open your eyes again.'

Petro did as he was told and saw that the other hand belonged to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. He had a serious look on his face while Master Yoda declared them to Master and Padawan.
Wait...what? Me? The Padawan of Anakin Skywalker? THE Anakin Skywalker?

'Train him well, Skywalker.'

'Yes, my masters. I will.'

'And Petro, follow your master's orders for becoming the best possible Jedi.'

'Yes, Master Plo Koon.'

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