Chapter 10

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Revealing (Part 3)

Padmé, Anakin and Petro sat on the couch on the senator's terrace enjoying the beautiful sunset over Coruscant after they had have dinner. Padmé invited them after they protected her the last week because of possible assassinations. The senator held a few speeches trying to convince the Senate to cancel another order for more clones. Many senators disagreed with her, like always, and so the Chancellor demanded Jedi protection for her. But that was not the only reason for the invitation. Anakin decided to tell his padawan something in hope it would tighten their bond. Petro entrusted him his secret, so it was Anakin's turn to tell his padawan his own one. He planned to prevent making the same mistakes he did with Ahsoka. Suddenly the young jedi knight felt guilty. He hadn't checked in on his former padawan's presence in several weeks now. He had been fully occupied with Petro's training. His padawan's voice brought him back to reality.



'Where did you meet each other?'


'I asked Padmé where you two met each other and she told me to ask you.'

'Oh sorry I was just... ah nothing.'

The senator and the padawan looked puzzled at Anakin.

'Is everything alright, Anakin?' She suppressed the urge to take his hand. Not yet she reminded herself.

'Yeah everything's alright. So where were we? Ah right, where we met. That's actually not a very interesting story. But nevertheless I'll tell you. Everything began with the blockade of Naboo.'

After Anakin had finished telling Petro the story, the young padawan wanted to hear the other stories, too. And so the couple told him about every adventure they went on together.

'Wow, you went through a lot together.' Petro noted when they had finished.

'Yeah, that's true.' The senator smiled slightly.

Padmé and Anakin exchanged a look and both nodded in agreement.

'Petro, there's something I want to tell you - we want to tell you because we trust you. You'll be confused at first because what I'm about to tell you is against the rules you were taught by the jedi.'

The padawan noticed that it had to be something important and nodded seriously.
Anakin sighed and took a deep breath.

'Years ago, Padmé and I fell in love when I had to protect her on Naboo. We got married shortly after.'

He paused and waited for Petro's reaction, but the young padawan showed no emotions so Anakin went on. 

'It's a secret and you're the first person we tell about our marriage.'

The couple nervously waited for the padawan to say something. Petro needed a second realising what his master had just said. When he broke the silence he was surprised by his own words. 'Congratulations.'

His mouth formed a smile and he stretched out his hand.
Padmé and Anakin looked from his grin to his hand and back.
When they didn't move Petro adjusted.

'I guessed when nobody knows about your marriage nobody ever congratulated you.'

Their puzzled faces turned into bright smiles and instead of shaking his hand they pulled him into a hug.
They stayed at least five minutes like this before they separated.

'Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.' Petro whispered.

'Thank you, Petro. That means a lot to us. You two can stay over for the night. I let 3PO get a room prepared for you.'

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