Chapter 13

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Battle of Devaron (Part 3)

Malkesha, Katooni and Petro managed to get back to the town hall and contacted the Jedi Council. They had already sent help. Admiral Yularen's cruiser was the only one which didn't get destroyed. They were heavily damaged but escaped just in time and they contacted the temple.
The council ordered them to stay hidden for the time being. While waiting for reinforcements in the hidden passages under the city Petro got quite bored.

'We could search the male Devaronians in the meantime.' He suggested eagerly.

'The council gave us clear orders.'
Katooni reminded her friend.

'If you keep up this attitude you'll get expelled eventually.'

'Nah, Master Skywalker ignores the Council's orders all the time and he didn't get expelled.'

'There's a big difference between you and Master Skywalker. You are not the Chosen One.' Katooni argued.

'But still, doesn't it drive you crazy just sitting around doing nothing at all?'

'My master is right. You lack patience, just as Master Skywalker did when he was Master Kenobi's padawan.'

Petro rolled his eyes in response and changed the subject.

'What do you think are the others doing right now? I bet Ganodi has a hard time trying to put up with Master Windu's standards.'

'Probably. Byph has most certainly a relaxing life compared to ours.'

'Yeah, it would kill me for sure.' The young boy smirked at the thought of doing anything instead of fighting on the battlefield.

Suddenly Petro lowered his head and pressed his hands against his temples.

'Petro, what's wrong?'

'I- see the Temple of Eedit. Someone's calling me from inside. It's the dark voice again. It must be the cloaked man.'

In his vision Petro was about to enter the temple when someone shouted his name.
'Petro! Don't do it. Come with me.'
He turned around. It was Katooni who offered him her hand to take it.

The vision ended. Petro's heart was beating hard against his chest. He stood up and walked around in circles.

'Katooni, I must go to the temple.'

'No, it's too dangerous. We don't know who or what is waiting for you in there.'

'The force wants me to go. I'm not sure what's happening to me. All I know is that I might find answers there.' Katooni sighed.

'All right, we go after we freed our masters.'

'No, I'll go alone. If something happens to you I won't forgive myself.'

'No way! You don't get rid off me this easily Petro Dameron. I'm going to accompany you.'

Petro sighed. Before he could say another word Katooni's comlink went off.

'Padawans. Come in.'

Katooni and Petro smiled at each other in relief and the Tholothian pushed the green button to answer the call.

'Master Fisto! It's so good to hear you.'

'Are the two of you all right?'

'Yes, we are master.'

'Good. Do you know if Masters Skywalker and Kenobi are still in the city?'

'All prisoners are still in the city centre. They're heavily guarded.'

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