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'Padawan Petro's training is halfway completed. He made lots of progress.' Obi-Wan stated, satisfied with the positive impact the boy has had on his former padawan.

By now Petro had completed the Trial of Courage, the Trial of Skill and the Trial of Flesh. The Trial of Spirit and the Trail of Insight would be hard for him to complete because he shielded part of him, his dark side, from everybody around him. Especially since the events on Devaron had taken place. Nobody realized that except for Masters Yoda and Anakin.

'Indeed.' Plo-Koon agreed.

Everyone nodded in agreement beside Master Yoda.
He looked troubled.

'What's wrong, master?'
Windu didn't think that Petro could be trusted. The Corellian turned out to be a second Skywalker. Nevertheless he didn't know why Master Yoda looked so worried.

'A good padawan Petro is indeed. But something there is in him. Hidden it is. Worried I am that it's something we're not able to control.'

'We used to think that there was something wrong with Skywalker, too. But Skywalker became a strong and committed Jedi beside his restless nature.' Kit Fisto argued.

He grew fond of young Petro over the years. The boy had proven to him more than once that he was talented and willing to do everything to help people in need. And he was the best friend of his padawan Zatt. Together with Obi-Wan he defended the Corellian's abilities whenever they were questioned by the Council.
Most of the members nodded in agreement again.

'Watch him closely we must though.' With these words Yoda dismissed the subject for now.

Obi-Wan frowned upon Master Yoda's words. He showed the same mistrust the Council had shown Anakin over and over again. His friend would never be able to gain their full trust it seemed and now they projected it all onto Petro. It wasn't right. The poor boy always tried to be the best he could be and he indeed topped all his age-mates. He had the potential of becoming a powerful Jedi.

Petro gasped for air. He pressed his hand to his heart which felt like it was contracting inside his chest. It was fighting the dark. Petro clearly felt it. His chest always hurt when he woke up after another horrible nightmare in which he killed his friends, even Katooni and his master. Petro looked over to the other bed. It was empty.

Master, please. I need you.

Only seconds later Anakin entered their tent. He'd been chatting with some of the clones after an exhausting day on the battlefield. He always sent his padawan to sleep because the men tended to make inappropriate jokes when they enjoyed a little drink at night.
Anakin didn't need to ask what was wrong. Tears were streaming down Petro's face. He just sat down
and held his trembling padawan who was sobbing into his shoulder.

'It's going to be okay. I promise.'

Honestly Anakin didn't know what to do anymore. After their mission on Devaron Petro has had nightmares every night. They asked Obi-Wan for advice but he couldn't help them either. So Anakin just kept comforting his padawan. He was desperate because he failed as a master again. He had failed Ahsoka and now he failed Petro, too.

Petro wasn't as carefree as he used to be. Sometimes he sat alone for hours thinking of a way to end his suffering. Those nightmares, the evidence of the dark inside him, they messed up his mind. He wanted to tell his master about all of it so desperately but he feared the order turning their back on him. Like they did when Ahsoka was falsely accused of murdering a woman. Yes, he didn't trust his master like he was supposed to be. In fact, Petro didn't trust anyone anymore completely. This was something the padawan felt like having to figure out on his own. So he pushed all his worries aside most of the time and concentrated on the endless missions and training sessions with Anakin. When they were busy Petro didn't even think of his problems. But in calmer moments, when they tried to get some rest, the Corellian was overwhelmed by the dark side gaining more and more power over him.
Petro never stopped fighting despite all the pain he had to endure every night though. He foolishly
hoped that he'd be released one day.

Little did he know that all the fighting back convinced Palpatine that he made the right choice.
Petro was the one to fulfill his visions...

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