Chapter 3- Boring life of Kerry

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I stretched lazily and got up out of bed. I open my windows and pull away the curtains. Its kinda dark outside and chilly. Its the end of the winter season so there's gonna be a little rain. I brushed my teeth and wash my face and change into something more comfy. A sweat pants and a white T-shirt, after that, I pulled my hair in a messy ponytail. I went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I smiled when I saw that my breakfast is already made. Mm. Pancakes and hot chocolate.
I have the most wonderful dad in the world. I started to enter the kitchen when I found dad's feet on the floor. My heart start to beat out of control.

"Dad!" I shouted as I moved forward. I let out a sigh of relief. "What are you doing under the sink?"

"I'm fixing the sink." He answered in a duh tone with half his body under the sink.

"Dad, get up off the floor. You know you're going to make the leak worst." I complained

"But I have to fix-"

"No buts." I cut him off. "I'll call Radje to come fix it." I debated as I sat on the chair.

He frowned as he pulled his self from under the sink.

"OK, OK." He surrendered. "You're so determine... Just like your mother." He said with sadden eyes.

"Have you taken your pills?" I asked, knowing my father, he'd accidentally forgot to take his pills.

He groans, "I'll take them later."

"No, you'll take them now." I got up from my chair and open the cupboard and pull out some beta blockers and Nitroglycerin. I catch some water from the tap and hand them to my frowning father.

"Here." I muttered to him on the floor. I chuckled as he rolled his eyes and take them.
"Fine." He mumbled before downing them with the water.

"Swallow. " I demanded.

"I swallow them... See?" He said opening his mouth. I observe his mouth like a dentist.
Great. I smile satisfied, then start eating my breakfast.

Couple hours later, I sat on the couch going through the job section in the newspaper as I watch Law and Order Special Victims Unit. There's a few jobs in these but most of them, job experience is required. I would have to get experience before I get experience. I highlighted the ones I'm qualified for. I sighed as I push the paper aside and lay,on the couch until sleep consumes me.

      "Kerry!" I heard dad called slightly shaking me. I lazily open my eyes. He was standing in front of me with a plate of food in his hand. I groaned as I sat up on the couch. "What time is it?" I ask sleepily.
He glance at the clock. "5:15pm."
I frowned. "Dad, why didn't you wake me?"
"You were so peaceful sleeping, I didn't wanna wake you." He smiled. "Here." He hand me a plate of toast bread and eggs and flan.
"Awe, dad. You shouldn't have." I drooled.
I noticed he was nicely dressed.
"You going out tonight?" I questioned biting in my flan.
"Yeah, I'm going to have a couple drinks with the guys."
Drinks? I gave him a questioning look.

"Soda of course." He quickly added off my look. "And no coffee either."

I smile pleased at him.

"I'll be back. Don't wait up for me OK." He lightly kissed my cheek and headed out.

"Kay..." I whispered.

I envy dad. At least he's having fun for an old guy. And have friends. I don't even have friends. Dad says I'm antisocial. Maybe I am.
I had a friend once. At seven grade at high school. Her name was Arrea. She was my best friend. She died of leukemia when I was in eight grade. Then my mom was my best friend. We shared almost everything. Even secrets.
She died too. Senior year at high school.
Now, my dad is my best friend and I'm scared that I'm gonna loose him too. I wouldn't want to go over the trauma I went through when I lost Arrea and my mother. I wouldn't know what I'd do if I lost my dad. I wouldn't have nothing to live for. Absolutely nothing. I love him so much. I pray for him everyday. Just like I'd prayed for mom and Arrea, but God allowed them to die anyways. At least they're happy now in their little heaven.

I sighed as I finish eating. I glanced around the quiet room and sigh once more. Well, guess I'm gonna have to watch TV for the rest of my night then. My life is so boring. The. Boring life of Kerry Vikander...

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