Chapter 7- No fancy office

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Start mopping?!! I asked myself.
Start freaking mopping?
How can this be. I didn't apply for mopping floors.

"Mrs. Francis?" I called after her. She stop abruptly as she frowned. "I don't understand. I-"

"Don't understand what? I said you should start mopping. Now!" She barked.

"No, no. You don't understand. I didn't apply for this. I didn't apply to be a... A... Cleaner." I uttered as I searched for the right word.
Mrs. Francis gasps, totally taken aback by my words.
"A cleaner?!!! A CLEANER?... Do you know how lucky you are to be here, at McKnight's Global working as a cleaner?" She said putting an emphasis on cleaner.

"I-i didn't mean to get you upset, I just wanted-" I tried to explain but I was cut off by Mrs. Francis as she stepped closer to me our faces inches apart.

"Do you know how many applications I have to cancel to choose you for this space. Do you know how many people dreamed of working here as 'a cleaner' or even a garbage collector? In a situation like this missy, you're one lucky little rat. And for your information, you applied entry level, so take whatever you get!" She shouted.

I slowly sink in her words before I opened my mouth to argue.

"But I thought-"

"That you were going to be placed in a Jeff Andrews or Jamie Bush designed office on the top floor?" She asked kinda finishing my sentence.

"Yes" I said firmly. This must've been a joke. Maybe they're hidden cameras here videoing my every actions.

Mrs. Francis started laughing as if I said something funny. No, stupid.
I stare at her as if he's demented as she cracked up laughing.

"No, the only time you'll be on the top floor is when you're cleaning offices, windows and bathrooms. Nothing else!" She started laughing again.

I wanted to cry. But my pride keeps my eyes dry. Better yet, I wanted to die right now. I know I shouldn't say this but I really do.
No, I should be thankful for this job. At least I'm hired again. This isn't the life I wanted but I guess I have no other choice.
She died down her laugh and clear her throat.

"If you don't want this job, fine, I'll give it to someone else." She finally said moving off.

"No, no, no, no, no! You don't have to do that." I begged almost crying. I need this job.

"So, you do what to be a cleaner after all huh?"

"I shouldn't have behaved like that. Yes, I wanna be a cleaner. I don't have any other alternative." I replied sadly.

"Good, now change and get to work. You don't make your pay checks by just standing around." With that, she exited the room.

I stood there staring blankly at the wall, keeping back a scream of frustration.

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