Chapter 8- The idiot

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My hands are literally killing me from all the mopping and wiping and cleaning I've been doing two months now. I must say, cleaning floors and toilets and offices, really pays well. I mean, I've saved a lot in the pass two months and dad's medical bills are all taken care of. It was a good thing I didn't reject this job because dad had a mild heart attack last month and he spent two days in the hospital. Thank god it wasn't anything serious.

My stomach is growling and I have three more hours till lunch. Three more long hungry hours.
I heaved a frustrating sigh as I squeegee the windows in the lobby. They don't even require cleaning but Madame DuBois- (that's the name of the animal control lady in Madagascar three) ordered me to clean them. She's such a pain in my neck. She even branded me with a name. 'Hey you, Vicky girl...' Ugh! I hate when she call me that, but I can't complain because if I do, I'll get flamed. Again.

I glanced at the large golden clock at the middle of the lobby. It seems like time have been frozen because its still 9:54am. Its  been like that since a minute ago, which seems like hours. Hurry up and move time!

As I slowly squeegee the windows with the hand wiper, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck started to rise. Someone was definitely staring at me. I glanced in the direction and found Miranda the receptionist and a guy glancing and giggling and whispering. The guy had brown frizzy hair, bright eyes, his face was well treated and smooth. He was dressed in a black shirt and a red vest and tight black dress pants. He clearly hold a fashion statement, like a fashionista. They started waving at me grinning mockingly. I Gave them a bright fuck you smile before rolling my eyes and continue my task. I'm not going to let anyone ruin my day.

"Hey you, Vicky girl!" I frowned as Madame shouted my given name from across the room. I squeeze my eyes shut as I started counting.
This woman really freaking annoys me!
"Yes mam." I answered pleasantly.

"The bathroom on the twentieth floor needs you now. And make them sparkle!" She practically yelled turning a few heads.

"Yes mam." I sighed heading towards the elevator.

"And make sure they smells great too." She added.

"Squeaker squeaker." The guy with the receptionist mocked as they giggled away. I simply ignored them and headed for my task.

After I finished mopped the floors, empty the bins and scrub the toilets and spray it with air fresheners, I decide to find Madame DuBois to see what else she had for me to do. Its half hour left till lunch and I'd really like to rest my arm and legs and ease the growling in my stomach.

I was heading around the corner towards the elevator when I was suddenly knocked into a wall.

"What the-" I heard a voice said as I fell on my ass.
Did the wall just freaking talk?

I glanced up and realize that its not the wall who spoke, but a Greek god. With chocolate brown penetrating eyes and small full lips and a face sculpted by Michael Angelo himself and dark shiny hair. So inviting to run my hands in it. I was totally lost in this guy's features.
Well that's a first.
Its like time have paused for a minute or we were in slo moThis guy is so... So damn...

"Look where you're going you idiot!
Rude?!! I was going to say breathtaking, but I guess look can be very deceiving.

I gasped as he growled at me.
Did he just call me an idiot?!! Nah ah. He didn't!

I gasped, taken aback by his tone and language. I quickly notice that he held his phone in his hand. My gaze caught the screen and I noticed he was playing- farm heroes?

I quickly helped myself off my ass, brushing myself off.

"Excuse me?" I yelled angrily. "You're the one who should watch where you're going you insignificant fool!"

He stare venomously at me with his jaws clenched.

"You're the one who should watch where you're going. But nooo, you're way too damn busy playing farm heroes like you're a five year old."

He stood there hovering over me as if he'd be ready to bust at any second. I was completely shadowed by his towering height and broad built in his well tailored black suit like men in black, but that didn't restrained me from putting this idiot in his place.

"And how dare you," I added. "How dare you insult me like that, who the hell do you think you are?" My outburst gets him angrier as he rolled his fists.

"I. Am. Calan. McKnight!" He silently yelled through gritted teeth. I shriek as he stepped forward hovering over me.

H-he is? Is that even possible? Yeah right. As if? He's only saying that to intimidate me.

"Ooooh... And I'm suppose to be what? Scared? This isn't Halloween buddy and I'm Abraham Lincoln!" I scuffs. "Idiot!" I mumbled as I angrily walked to the elevator. I could feel the Idiot's venomous stare pierced through my soul. I only hope I don't trip and fall on my way to the elevator.

I hopped quickly in the empty elevator. I let out a long sigh.
Of relief.
"Oh. My. Gosh!" I place my hand over my chest. My heart. It was beating so fast. Like three hundred beats per minute.

Did I? Did I just give a guy a piece of my mind? Nah! I just totally imagined that.
I did!! I totally did. That's like the most bravest thing I've ever done in my whole entire life.
Yeah. I know.

I felt so brave right now. Like Tom Cruise brave. I can't believe I just did that. I didn't thought it was in me. At all.

I don't regret it at all. He's just another arrogant jerk. Like most of the people here.

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The pic is Calan. When he was giving Kerry the killer glare🔪

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