Where Is She?

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Kate was here in second period gym, I thought as I sat there waiting for her to come into the lunch room to talk to her. I saw her friends come in.
"Allonnah," I said walking over to her friend.
"It's Alex," the girl with the short, purple dyed hair towering over me said.
"Where's Kate? You guys came into lunch like 20 minutes late. That never happens, and Kate would never miss lunch."
"You didn't hear?" McKayla said surprised.
"Hear what?"
"Kate collapsed in science lecture last period," Alex said. "McKayla and I were with her while she was unconscious until the Miss Hanna made us go to lunch.
"Is she okay?"
"I don't know, she's unconscious. I think they brought her to the nurse."
I got up and threw out my trash and headed towards the exit of the lunch room.
"Where are you going?" Mrs. Sheila asked. She was guarding the door so kids don't sneak out.
"I have to get something from my locker," I said as I kept walking. I headed past the locker room and went towards the nurse's office and knocked on her door.
"What is it this time? Did you drink a cup of hot sauce again?"
"No, I'm not here for me this time. Is Katherine Ryan in here?"
"Yes, she's still out cold."
"Why don't you call the ambulance or something!?"
"We need a parents permission if the child passed out, and I don't have the numbers of the children's households down here."
"I'll get her parents number," I said. I got her phone out of her pocket and unlocked it. I went to the contacts app and read the number of her dad to he nurse. "I'm not leaving Kate," I said.
"Go back to class," the nurse said.
"I have lunch."
"Go back to the lunch room."
"I already ate."
"I'm not leaving her."
"Go or I'll get the security officer to bring you back to the lunch room."
"Go ahead."
The nurse pages the security officer who brought me back to the lunchroom.
I just came right back. "I am not leaving her. She is my best friend and is rather die than leave her here alone."
I stayed with her until the end of the day.
I went to the bus after that and sat in silence ignoring everyone else.
"What's with Thomas?" Connor asked.
"I don't know, he wasn't in class," Lucy said.
"Probably has to do with Kate," Mary said.
I listened to them try to guess what was wrong with me. The bus ride felt like it was taking hours. By the time I got home, it felt like years. I rushed upstairs and went straight to TØP and blared it and then decided to listen to some songs that Kate told me she loved. She loves "Heaven Help Us" and "The End" and "Bulletproof Heart" so I blared those three songs on repeat. I eventually added in "If You Wanted a Song Written About You, All You Had To Do Was Ask".
I felt a sting of pain as I realized, that she might've actually liked me.
A fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning my mom came in and insisted that I had to wake up. I checked snapchat, Instagram, everything but Kate wasn't active.
"Mom, I don't feel well," I said.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know, my chest has a stinging pain, my head hurts, and my stomach feels qeuzzy."
"Just go back to bed," she said. "You can stay home."
I managed to stay home every day for the next week.

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