(Chapter 4) Wait what?!!

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Reminiezce Pov

~~Continuation of flash back~~

3 years have pass since that very day. I was sitting on my bed when I heard Father Kronos and Mother Rhea calling me to go to the living room.

"Yes Mom?"

"Ciera do you wish to go back in the outside world or do you wish to train here together with your family?" Father Kronos asked.

Without a second thought I immediately answered the question."I would love to stay and train here in Tartarus with my family." Then he smiled, "Good let's start your training."

For an another 3 years I've trained and trained with Iapetus, Hyperion, Krios, Kios, and Oceanus. My Aunties Mnemosyne and Thethys always tell me stories or rather giving me information so that I would know what is going on in the upper world outside Tartarus. I would always go on may adventures here in the pit. I have befriended almost every monsters, giants, and other mythical beings related in Greek mythology.

Well I think that's all I could tell you for know. What am I doing today? I'm clearly walking on the body of my patron. No I'm nit joking. I'm literally walking on his body, well not his physical body While walking I was thinking

'What if I didn't show up during the war?'

'What if I didn't help the gods defend Olympus?'

'Would I still be happy as a normal girl who knows all what's happening in the world but just only pretending not knowing them?'

'Would I still see my brother If I hadn't gone across this confusing world of Greek mythology?'

As I was still thinking about many scenarios when I saw a body near the Cocytus. I ran faster than I had ever ran in my entire life as a demigod. Something us telling me that's someone is in danger. That something is gonna happen if I didn't went to that body. Huffing and catching for air, I almost cried errr...... Shouted because the least person I expected to be here is.
My brother: Perseus Jackson

I quickly called for help fearing that my brother will die. I called my patrons Tartarus, Nyx and Erebrus to help my brother. Nyx suddenly engulf us in shadows and I find myself in the infirmary of my father's palace. I was worried. No let me rephrase that. I was terrified. I don't want to lose my only hope. My only purpose to still live in this wretched world. My mother went to me after she saw me looking like a zombie. Pale as snow and was very dumbfounded.

Who wouldn't?

I mean you just came from a walk and then suddenly saw your big brother falling from a cliff with many injuries and scars. What a great family reunion isn't it? Stupid drama queen of an uncle and a fishy seaweed brain of a father. At least uncle Hades is nice and forgiving.

I was currently crying my eyes out, holding my brothers hand like it is the only thing that is keeping alive. (Which is true).

Please let him live.
Please let him live.
Please big brother.

I prayed. Which I rarely do if I really need help. Then after a few more minutes, Tartarus remove his hand above my brothers and said

" Ciera he will be fine. Your brother just need to rest."

I nodded reluctantly. I was still not getting over the shock. That my brother almost died. Finally mother told me to rest. I went to my room buy before I closed the door I whispered.

"Please be okay brother."

As I was closing the door I think I saw movement in the infirmary bed. But I maybe I was imagining things. I silently closed the door and mist traveled to my room.

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