(Chapter 3) My sister the Daughter Of Kronos and Rhea

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I was walking along my uncles body the pit (Tartarus) When I saw a body lying on the sharp ground. Huh that's funny I wonder who is this? I thought to myself. Wait sorry about that. Forgive me don't blame it on the author (Miss Universe anyone?) I'm Jeizce Rebeca Jackson, or Ceira for short well At least I was Ceira Jackson. Daughter of Poseidon, Twin sister of Percy Jackson. Why am I doing here In Tartarus you Ask? well Here's my story:


I was happily walking in camp picking strawberries when I heard a scream inside the woods. I nervously ran at the direction of where I heard the scream. Ever since I woke up this morning I had a bad feeling that something's gonna happen today. When I got to the woods I almost fainted. Because there in front of me was Miranda, Daughter of Demeter. I immediately healed her wounds but before I could pulled out the knife used that stab her at the heart, I was flashed out of the crime scene and flashed in Olympus specifically in the Throne room.

"Jeizce Rebecca Jackson!!! You are here today becuase of the crime you have commit: Killing MIRANDA, Daughter of Demeter."

"What!!! Who even said that I killed her?! She's my Friend!! I would NEVER and I mean NEVER killed anyone my friends especially the ones who known me for 5 freaking years!!!"
(Just imagine she appeared in the Titans Curse)

"Father Ciera ------"

But before Apollo could even argue with his father, the ground beneath me cracked open and I once again at the place where I vowed never to return again. TARTARUS.

It was 3 months since I was here at Tartarus. I was running away from a group of dracenea when 12 figures appeared in front of me and the group was suddenly no where to be seen.

"Ciera? What are you going here in Tartarus?"

I was shocked. Wait, let me rephrase that, I was dumbfounded. I mean my grandfather the Kronos the Crooked one, King of the Titan and lord of time was asking me with concerned on his face. As I snapped out of my shock a realized almost every Titan were here. Well
the 12 Original titans.

"Uhhhhhhh" was all I could answer. Great Ciera just great now your acting like big brother!!! my brain shouted at me. Shut up!!! I shouted back. yup I'm definitely going cray-cray.

"Uhhhh are you supposed to be' I am Kronos bow down to me peasants. I'm the king.Ruler of the universe blah blah blah and many more annoying titles. " Okay that was not definitely smart especially when your talking to your grandpa. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard laughter! LAUGHTER!!! I couldn't believed what am I hearing.

"Hahahaha your funny. Cj I like it." Cj? But how did he know that? I only used it when I'm with my brother Percy. Wait! Did he just read my mind! Wow that's creepy.

He suddenly frown at the thought of that as if he really is reading my mind.

"(sigh) Cj I'm sorry for being evil. And I'm proud of you that you were able to defeat me along with yoyr brother Perseus. But back to the question. What are YOU doing here?" as he said that, tears were forming at the corner of my eyes. I don't them to know that I am weak!!! I really don't. As if sensing my discomfort grandmother Reah went to hug me which is really comfortable like a mother hugging to her child."Shhhhhh It's okay
We could always cried out our pains and sufferings. There, there.."

Bob or Iapetus went over me and said "Cj don't cry. Bob doesn't want Cj to be sad." He softly exclaimed.

"BOB?!!!" Hyperion suddenly shouted along with his brothers. "Yes, I am Bob. Ciera and Percy nicknamed me that when I lost my memory in the Lethe." He explained. There was a chorus of 'ohhhhh' 'ehhhhhh' 'ahhhhhhh' 'Huhhhhh' Seriously what are they doing?!!! Making the sounds of the vowels!!!!Ughhhh they are soooo annoying!!!!!

I was still crying my tears out when Grandpa said the impossible: " Ciera Do you want me and Rhea to adopt you? I know you're lonely and all. Also I have a bad reputation in destroying the world but I promise to never make you sad ever again. I swear on the RIVER STYX. "
Boommm!!!! magic words. I was shocked when all the arguing, laughing, and noise suddenly stop. I looked on my grandfathers' eyes and said the words that made my heart whole again.

"I would loved to Father"
As I said that a golden orb pass through my body. I can feel time itself and know what time it is in different places. But the most Interesting thing that happened was my eye color. Before it was a sea green but now golden specks are found near my iris making it glow. "What the--" "Oh I also forgot, you also received some my powers in time. You are also the Princess of Time,Children, the Innocent,Blessings, and Curses. Perks of being my and Rhea's daughter." Wow, I have that Title?

"Ohhhhh little bro can I bless CJ too? I also want her to be my champion" Bob said with glee. "Well if Iapetus is going to bless her then me too. She will also be my champion as well." Said.....
"Please I can't be your champion.I'm not deserving enough to earn it. I'm weak, a murderer and traitor. I don't deserve your gifts." I said.

"Yup. she's definitely a champion and worth receiving my blessing. I like her, she's not power hungry like those *cough* 'peasants'. *cough*." said Krios.

"B-b-but why? Why are you all giving me these gifts?I m no worthy enough to received your blessings."

" Nonsense!!!! They all said that your a traitor and a murderer but in our eyes you are Pure, Innocent, Kind,loyal and maybe a little annoying like your brother. But hey your twins!!" said father Kronos.

"She will also received our blessings too brother." Said Mnemosyne.

After they said that they blasted me with 12 different lights one for each Titan.But the weird thing is I also now know where am I in Tartarus. After the blinding light subsided I saw the Tree faiths standing in front of me.

"All hail Jeizce Rebeca Jackson, Daughter of Kronos the Crooked one and Rhea, Betrayed daughter of Olympus, Champion of the 12 Titans, Nyx, Tartarus, Erebrus,and Chaos; Primidorial goddess of Time, Light, Curses, Betrayal, Innocent, and Balance.!!!" After they said those words they flashed Away.

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