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Lust is like a zombie virus: it will eat away at you from the inside and leave you as an empty, mindless shell of potential. If you don't believe me, read carefully as I step into the darkness that everyone calls lust.

She stood there at the end of the pier; radiant, long blonde hair flowing in the wind. Turning to me as I stopped next to her to feel the wind on my bearded face, I notice her bright green eyes and sweet smile. I smile back, and as I look into her eyes they begin to fade to black.

The blue sky and white clouds overhead disappear and her smile becomes a snarl. Her eyebrows cave in and her demonic gaze is locked onto me. I'm frozen, unsure of whether or not I'm dreaming.

I love this woman with all my heart, but here in this moment, I fear the love is gone. I fear that our love has turned into comfort and lust, not unconditional love as we first fell into.

The water from the lake crashes on the rocks outlining the pier and I convince myself that it's just a dream, no matter how real it all feels. Goosebumps form on my arms and then I find myself rubbing the skin to make them go away. The friction causes the skin to peel off with ease and I begin to shed both my arms until they bleed.

Now licking her lips, she takes a step toward me as the lust for blood urges her on toward me. Her black eyes are now red and her skin has gone sickly pale. Her face is sunken in and her round face has been replaced by one so hollowed out that you'd expect to find it in a coffin after a few years.

A tear squeezes out and trickles down my face. Neither of us pay any attention to it as I shake the arm skin from my hands in hopes that she will kneel down to eat them so I can get away.

It doesn't work and she approaches me with a stutter step, seemingly losing all her coordination. I move backward toward the end of the pier, repenting in my mind for everything that we've allowed ourselves to become. We started off in love, but we fell off somewhere – somewhere was a place I didn't recall; somewhere was no longer relevant.

Putting her arms around me, I feel the darkness spread throughout my body as well. She brings her head in close – I close my eyes and brace my whole body – but she does nothing except hold me.

Standing still in the dead silence as our beautiful world had now been drained of all its essence, she whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry, my love." With these words she pushes forward, knocking us both into the icy water surrounding the pier. Holding onto her with all my might and her the same, we sink toward the bottom of the lake.

I woke up to darkness, panting and placing my hands to my face to check for a lack there of. Nothing was missing, but I had some sweat accumulating.

After walking to the bathroom to wash the sweat off my face, I returned to bed to find the night light on and her looking at me as I closed the door behind me.

"You okay?" she asked. I smiled and nodded in reply, but I don't think she believed me. I had never had such a vivid dream before – nightmare is more like it – and all I wanted to do was to get back to sleep.

As I crawled under the sheets, she leaned over and kissed me sweetly. Pulling away I felt pain as my lips tore off, still attached to hers. Blood gushed from my mouth as I saw the horror in her eyes. She put her hand up to her mouth and her lips too fell off – still attached to mine. Panic set in again as I cupped my hands to collect the blood. As our set of lips lay in the palm of her hand, she screamed.

Sitting straight up in bed, I find it to be morning and her sweet face is peering up at me– saliva dripping from her lips and onto my dick. Stroking it, she smiles at me and slips my hard dick into her mouth. We had joked about her waking me up to a blowjob and after the two bad dreams I had, I was in need of one.

I closed my eyes for several minutes to enjoy the treat, but opened them with a flash when she screamed.

Opening my eyes, I find half of my necrotic dick in her mouth and the other half still in her firm grasp. Try as she might to get the half out of her mouth, she begins to choke on it and vomit begins to spew from her mouth and nose.

Opening my eyes, I find her clean-shaven pussy staring me in the face. It takes me a moment to register that I was dreaming beforehand – again. I look up at her and she gives me an inquisitive look.

"Why'd you stop?"

I let out a quick laugh and smile at her as I stick out my tongue and go back to work. Her moans turn me on and I feel my dick become harder and harder in my pants.

Opening my eyes to see if she's looking back, I find her pussy and my entire mouth to be covered in blood. I stop immediately, retracting my tongue, but keeping it half out like a panting dog.

She looks down at me and sees all the blood. Rubbing herself to find the source, her pussy lips fall off in between her fingers and she looks at me in utter shock. Her shrieking voice was so high-pitched that I couldn't bear it and fall off the bed.

When I come to and my vision returns, I'm sitting on a rock, holding hands with my girlfriend. She squeezes my hand and looks over at me; her blonde hair flowing in the gentle breeze from the lake, her green eyes looking into mine and her smile, beautiful as ever.

"You falling asleep on me?" she asks.

I look at her and smile. "Yeah, just getting caught up in how peaceful it is here." She leans over and kisses me softly on the lips.

"I love you," she whispers.

"I love you too."

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